Research Progress of Fishery Resources in Tibet

来源 :Animal Husbandry and Feed Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czfczfc
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The paper was to better understand fishery resources status in Tibet,to effectively protect rare and endangered cold-water fish resources,and to further understand the difficulties in rational exploitation and protection and utilization of fisheries resources. This study made a systematic analysis of research progress of fishery resources in Tibet and pointed out that Tibet had abundant water resources,but the aquatic industry lagged behind; resource utilization was extremely limited; and endangered species had not been timely protected. It was very difficult to promote popularity of aquatic industry in Tibet because of weak infrastructure construction and a serious lack of relevant technicians. Actually,the aquatic industry in Tibet remained basically a blank. Therefore,it was both important and necessary to establish fishery resources monitoring network based on plateau water resource system. Furthermore,initial ideas for further investigation of water resources were put forward. The paper was to better understand fishery resources status in Tibet, to effectively protect rare and endangered cold-water fish resources, and to further understand the difficulties in rational exploitation and protection and utilization of fisheries resources. This study made a systematic analysis of research progress of fishery resources in Tibet and pointed out that Tibet had abundant water resources, but the aquatic industry lagged behind; resource utilization was extremely limited; and endangered species had not been timely protected. It was very difficult to promote popularity of aquatic industry in Tibet because of weak infrastructure construction and a serious lack of relevant technicians. Actually, the aquatic industry in Tibet remained basically a blank. Therefore, it was both important and necessary to establish fishery resources monitoring network based on plateau water resource system. further investigation of water resources were put forward.
一趟新疆,几多感慨!  写此文时,电脑右下角弹出小窗——新疆莎车暴恐案数十群众伤亡。仿佛十三间房的大风还在耳旁呼啸,喀什地区的暴恐阴霾仍未散去。这年头记者就是要上刀山下火海,风里来雨里去。  7月14日,世界杯总决赛,潘帕斯草原上的雄鹰折戟,我却开始飞翔,四个小时的飞机抵达乌鲁木齐。和华电新疆公司的人接上头,令他们诧异的是,来的竟然是个女生,还是个90后。哈哈,也正因如此,采访进行得颇为顺利。  
2003年高考数学新课程卷填空题设计新颖、情境自然. 例1 (文、理13题)(x2-1/2x)9展开式中x9的系数是__. 分析:原式的展开式中, 由题意知的系数为. 反思:许多考生由于基本概