
来源 :节日研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:titanium2002
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日本民俗学成立之初,曾有一个理想,就是民俗学作为对生活的研究,帮助每一个生活者了解自己身边的相关问题,并自己解决问题。然而,在学科的变迁中,在与其他学科的互动中,民俗学逐渐变成了研究“民俗”的学问。例如,传统的日本民俗学以往对日本的“鬼节”盂兰盆节的研究,就形成了具有局限性的学术倾向,亦即越来越远离现实生活,而社会对其的需求越来越少、研究自然也就难以推进。因此,从近年来快速走向理论化的现代民俗学的相关观点来看,应该促使包括节日研究在内的民俗学转变成为理解百姓日常生活的学问。 At the beginning of the establishment of Japanese folklore, there was an ideal that folklore, as a study of life, helped each and every one of you to understand the issues around you and solve your own problems. However, during the change of disciplines, in the interaction with other disciplines, folklore gradually became the study of “folklore”. For example, the traditional Japanese folklore studies on Japanese “ghost festival” in the past formed a limited academic tendency, that is, getting farther and farther away from real life, and the social demand for it The less you study, the more difficult it is to study naturally. Therefore, from the viewpoint of the recent rapid modernization toward theorization of modern folklore, folklore, including festival studies, should be transformed into a knowledge of everyday life of the people.
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