Dynamic structures and their sedimentation effects of the Yamen Inlet,Huangmaohai Estuary

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jay1222
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One of eight gates of the Pearl River Estuary,the Yamen Inlet is a bedrock channel mouth connecting the Huangmao Sea and Yamen Channel.The wider water surfaces of the upper and lower reaches of the entrance produce a unique bidirectional asymmetrical jet system.Using observed hydrology and historical charts,the ECOMSED model was applied in morphodynamic analysis of the dynamic structures and dynamic equilibrium of the Yamen jet system and its effect on sedimentation.It was found that (1) the nonlinear interaction of Yamen dynamic structures could not be ignored,as while the Coriolis force and friction force were generally of the same order of magnitude,the effect of friction force was greater;(2) the bidirectional asymmetrical jet system was flood preferential flow to the north of the channel mouth and ebb preferential flow to the south;and (3) the bidirectional asymmetrical jet system was the dominant factor in the long term stability of the Yamen deep trough. One of eight gates of the Pearl River Estuary, the Yamen Inlet is a bedrock channel mouth connecting the Huangmao Sea and Yamen Channel. The wider water surfaces of the upper and lower reaches of the entrance produce a unique bidirectional asymmetrical jet system .Using observed hydrology and historical charts, the ECOMSED model was applied in morphodynamic analysis of the dynamic structures and dynamic equilibrium of the Yamen jet system and its effect on sedimentation. It was found that (1) the nonlinear interaction of Yamen dynamic structures could not be ignored, as while the Coriolis force and friction force were generally the same order of magnitude, the effect of friction force was greater; (2) the bidirectional asymmetrical jet system was flood preferential flow to the north of the channel mouth and ebb preferential flow to the south ; and (3) the bidirectional asymmetrical jet system was the dominant factor in the long term stability of the Yamen deep trough.
一天,猴仔和东瓜在海上划船,突然下起了倾盆大雨,东瓜指着船底说:“猴仔,你快看!雨水到船里来啦!”只见猴仔转了转眼,甩了甩尾说:“我们得想个办法,把船里的水弄出去!”  猴仔和東瓜想呀想。这时,东瓜开口了:“嘿!猴仔呀,我想到办法啦!把船底砸个洞,水不就可以流出去了吗?”猴仔欢呼道:“好呀!好呀!东瓜不愧是东瓜哪!”  它们分工合作,东瓜扶着钉子,猴仔拿着锤子钉钉子,它们钉呀钉呀,很久很久才钉出一
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