
来源 :上海口腔医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mfpen123
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目的:通过问卷调查,了解患者对正畸治疗中微种植体支抗的接受程度。方法:选取磨牙关系中性、双颌前突、拔除4个第一前磨牙、临床上在第一前磨牙及第一磨牙间应用4颗微种植体的成年女性患者28例,依据微种植体应用前、中、后的关键问题设计调查问卷。结果:57%的患者在正畸医师建议应用微种植体时表示直接同意,但有96%的患者向医师询问微种植体植入时有无痛苦,89%的患者在植入前担心植入后会出现一定疼痛,93%的患者想通过在微种植体植入前了解微种植体植入后的照片及植入视频或者与其他微种植体患者进行沟通,以了解微种植体的情况。在种植体植入后,79%的患者认为在微种植体植入过程中无不适感,57%的患者在微种植体植入后未感觉到不良反应,但有29%的患者认为种植体会刺激颊部黏膜。在微种植体适应时间方面,96%的患者在7天内可以适应,其中3天内适应者占36%。在去除微种植体时,93%的患者无不适感,89%的患者对自己的治疗效果感到满意,并愿意建议其他患者应用微种植体。结论:多数患者接受微种植体植入,但是在植入前表现为较大程度的担心及顾虑,而在种植体植入后接受度较高,在微种植体去除后满意度高。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the patient's acceptance of micro-implant support in orthodontic treatment through a questionnaire survey. Methods: A total of 28 adult female patients with four micro-implants were selected from the first premolar and the first molar clinically. Apply the questionnaire before, during and after the key questions design questionnaire. RESULTS: 57% of patients indicated direct consent when orthodontic practitioners recommended the use of micro-implants, but 96% asked their physician if there was pain when implants were implanted and 89% were concerned about implants prior to implants After some pain, 93% of patients wanted to understand the micro-implants by understanding the micro-implant implants and implanting the video or communicating with other micro-implants before implanting the micro-implants. After implants were implanted, 79% of patients considered no discomfort during implantation of micro-implants and 57% experienced no adverse reactions after implants of micro-implants, but 29% found implants Stimulate the buccal mucosa. In micro-implant adaptation time, 96% of patients were able to adapt within 7 days, with 36% of those being fit for 3 days. When micro-implants are removed, 93% of the patients have no discomfort, 89% are satisfied with their treatment and are willing to advise other patients to use micro-implants. CONCLUSIONS: Most patients underwent micro-implant implantation but showed greater concern and concern prior to implantation, and were more receptive after implants, with a high degree of satisfaction after removal of the micro-implants.
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