Application of Input Hypothesis to the English Teaching

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  【Abstract】The paper mainly uses the theory combining with English teaching to analyze the effect of teaching. The author attempts to combine the theory of Krashen’s five hypotheses with the Traditional ELT Methods in order to propose a feasible teaching model.
  【Key words】input hypothesis; English teaching
  【作者簡介】徐圆(1989.7- ),女,吉林省吉林市人,吉林职工医科大学,外国语言学及应用语言学专业研究生,初级职称,研究方向:英语教学法。
  1. Introduction
  There are some very important hypotheses, among which, the fourth hypothesis, the input hypothesis, may be the single most important concept in second language acquisition theory today. It is important because it attempts to answer the crucial theoretical question of how we acquire language, and also holds the answer to many of our everyday problems in English teaching at all levels.
  2. Theoretical Framework of the Input Hypothesis
  The Input Hypothesis is the core of Krashen’s second language acquisition theories. This hypothesis is formulized by Krashen as “i 1”, of which “i” refers to the learners’ current level and “i 1” indicates the next level in the learners’ language acquisition. “1” is the gap between the current level and the next level and the input provided would fill in this gap. The input should be neither so difficult nor so easy to understand. If the input is far more beyond the learner’s current level, the learner will not understand the input. If the input is below the learner’s current level, the learner will learn nothing. Krashen (1982) thinks that the matter of how to aid comprehension is very important for second language pedagogy.
  3. The Application of Input Hypotheses to the English Teaching
  3.1 The Traditional ELT
  The Traditional ELT Methods refer to the hybrid of Grammar Method, Audio-Lingual Method and Situational Method. They put emphasis on the use of language forms, but ignore the use of language in real communication. Teachers are highly sensitive to the mistakes students make on language forms, and tend to correct all the mistakes whenever discovered while fluency of language is considered less important.
  3.2 Combination of Integrating Input Hypotheses with the Traditional ELT
  According to Krashen’s five hypotheses and China’s present English teaching situation, the writer attempts to suggest an English teaching model.
  This model begins with Optimal Input, which should be provided by teachers, and should be comprehensible, interesting and relevant. Teachers can use proper ways to achieve this purpose. Then the input reaches leaners’ Filters. This is a very important step in classroom teaching because whether these Filters are up or down determines whether the amount of input can enter leaners’ LAD. Teachers should employ some teaching techniques to reduce the negative effect of these Filters as much as possible. Only after input reaches learners’ LAD, can they acquire linguistic competence. Then using this competence, learners interact with teachers and classmates in classroom, conversing and exchanging ideas with them. Teachers should try their best to encourage their participation. It should be added that any output produced by learners will be altered by their Monitor. In this model, among all the elements that are interrelated to each other, the requirements of input, the proper means of providing input is necessary for us.   As Hatch (1978a) pointed out that we first learn structures, then practice using them in communication, this is how fluency develops. The input hypothesis says the opposite. It says we acquire by “going for meaning” first, and as a result, we acquire the structure! So the best way to teach English, according to this view, is to provide comprehensible input.
  4. Conclusion
  In recent years, there is a situation that after years of schooling, the students who have passed Band 4 or Band 6 test are even found incompetent in their communication with native speakers in English. As far as this case is concerned, a large number of theoretical and empirical studies have been carried out with a purpose of promoting second language acquisition (SLA) in a more effective way. So apply the hypotheses to the English teaching improves the acquisition of English.
  [1]Krashen,S.D.The Input Hypothesis:Issues and Implications[M].London Longman Press,1985.