盛夏,我们“中原质量行”采访组冒着酷暑来到河北省邯郸制氧机厂进行采访,这个厂陆英琪副总工程师向我们介绍了该厂抓产品质量的一些情况。 邯郸制氧厂是机械部生产空分设备骨干企业之一,主要生产K20N—300/600型、K20N—50/
In midsummer, our “Zhongyuan Quality Tour” interview group took a sweltering summer to come to the Hebei Oxygen Oxygen Plant for an interview. The Deputy Chief Engineer Lu Yingqi of the plant introduced us to some of the conditions that the company was taking to improve product quality. Tantalum Oxygen Plant is one of the key enterprises in the production of air separation equipment of the Ministry of Machinery. It mainly produces K20N-300/600 and K20N-50/