Three new MOFs with unusual Cu_6~Ⅱcluster, linear Cu~Ⅱ chain and triangular Cu_3~Ⅱcore motifs tuned

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Three new MOFs with the same components but different structures and magnetic behavior, {[Cu6(atr)6(H2O)2(μ3 OH)2(SO4)5 ]·5.25H2O} n (1), {[Cu2(atr)2( -OH)2(SO4 )]·3H2O} n (2), and {[Cu7(atr)6(H2O)6(μ3-OH)2(SO4 )6 ]·2H2O} n (3) (atr = 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole), were respectively synthesized by diffusion reactions in the presence of different structure-directing agents. Complex 1 is a slightly spin-frustrated antiferromagnetic layer with sulfonate aggregated CuⅡ6 clusters periodically extended by ditopic sulfonate linkers. 2 is a grid-based coplanar sheet with hydroxyl group bridgedCuOCulinear-chain interlinked by pairs of μ3 -atr ligands, exhibiting strong antiferromagnetic interactions to lead to an S = 0 spin ground state at low temperature. In contrast, air-instable 3 has a ladder-like broad-ribbon structure constructed from triangular CuⅡ3 cores and centrosymmetric CuⅡ1 octahedra. Obviously, the variable CuⅡ -ligand connectivity and the involving magnetic properties are significantly dominated by the cooperative and variable binding modes of the mixed sulfonate-atr ligands and bi-/tridentate bridging hydroxyl heterobridges. Three new MOFs with the same components but different structures and magnetic behavior, {[Cu6 (atr) 6 (H2O) 2 (μ3OH) 2 (SO4) 5] · 5.25H2O} n (1) 2 (SO4) 6 · 2H2O} n (2) and {[Cu7 (atr) 6 (H2O) 6 (μ3-OH) 2 = 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole, were also synthesized synthetically by diffusion reactions in the presence of different structure-directing agents. Complex 1 is a slight spin-frustrated antiferromagnetic layer with sulfonate aggregated Cu II 6 clusters Period extended by ditopic sulfonate linkers. 2 is a grid-based coplanar sheet with hydroxyl group bridged Cuuulinear-chain interlinked by pairs of μ3-atr ligands, exhibiting strong antiferromagnetic interactions to lead to an S = 0 spin ground state at low temperature. In contrast, air-instable 3 has a ladder-like broad-ribbon structure constructed from triangular Cu II 3 cores and centrosymmetric Cu II octahedra. Obviously, the variable Cu Ⅱ -ligand connectivity and the involving magnetic properties are significantly dominated by the cooperative and variable binding modes of the mixed sulfonate-atr ligands and bi- / tridentate bridging hydroxyl heterobridges.
改革开放30多年了,中国社会发生了翻天覆地的变化,人们的思想观念更是呈现出日新月异的景象。但遗憾的是,在一些人的思想深处,或多或少地还残存着旧时代的印记。一不留神, M
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一、导语设计 人是社会的产物,只有在社会群体中,他才能正常生活。离群索居是一种孤癖,强迫隔世常被作为惩罚手段之一。作为社会的成员,需要社会交往,需要彼此沟通,需要交朋
一、症状病鳗的口腔粘膜充血、浮肿,口腔肌肉糜烂, 口张开不能闭合,以致既不可摄食,又影响呼吸,最后只能头伸出水面缓缓游动,经过一段时间饥饿,终因鳗体消瘦衰弱或继发感染
学校教室门口的墙上挂着一句名言——青年时代是人生的播种时期。每次上课下课,我都会抬起头看看。的确,青年时期是人生的黄金时期,记忆力、思 There is a famous phrase ha