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电影,是由活动照相术和幻灯放映术结合发展起来的一种现代艺术。是一门可以容纳文学戏剧、摄影、绘画、音乐、舞蹈、文字、雕塑、建筑等多种艺术的综合艺术,但它又具有独自的艺术特征。电影在艺术表现力上不但具有其它各种艺术的特征,又因可以运用蒙太奇这种艺术性极强的电影组接技巧,使观众处于不断发展着的故事状态里,由于无法欲知故事的结局,而被剧情深深吸引,视听语言是利用视听刺激的合理安排向观众传播某种信息的一种感性语言。视觉元素的核心是人,也正是电影中的人物,是电影创作中的核心,也是作品的核心。反过来讲,人物的塑造,是电影导演创作的重中之重。是以人为叙事主体,起到统领链接的作用。我们对文学的理解是“文学是人学”“风格即人”。同其它的艺术形式相比较,电影的创作也是紧紧地围绕塑造典型环境中的典型人物展开的。可以这样认为:电影中的人物是叙事的核心,是矛盾冲突的核心,是影片造型的基础。对于电影的基本要求,我们希望是在一系列的场景中,事件中,动作中,对话中看到的不是一般的人(具体的演员),而是鲜活的、有性格的人物。 Film is a modern art developed by the combination of activity photography and slide show. It is a comprehensive art that can accommodate a variety of arts such as literature and drama, photography, painting, music, dance, writing, sculpture and architecture, but it also has its own unique artistic features. In terms of artistic expressiveness, the film not only has the characteristics of various other arts, but also can make use of montage, a highly artistic film grouping technique, to keep the audience in a continuously evolving story. Without knowing the outcome of the story, And was deeply attracted by the story, audio-visual language is the use of audio-visual stimuli to arrange a reasonable arrangement to disseminate information to the audience of a sensual language. The core of the visual element is human beings. It is also the person in the movie. It is the core of the film creation and also the core of the work. Conversely, the characterization is the most important part of film director’s creation. It is the main body of man-made narration that plays the role of leading the link. Our understanding of literature is “literature is human ” “style is human ”. Compared with other forms of art, the film’s creation is also closely around the typical environment to create a typical character started. Can think so: the characters in the movie is the core of the narrative, is the core of contradictions and conflicts, is the basis of film modeling. For the film’s basic requirements, we hope that in a series of scenes, events, actions, the conversation is not seen in the general people (specific actors), but fresh, character.