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“三级联创”活动,是加强农村基层组织建设的有效载体。如何进一步深化对“三级联创”活动的认识,采用切实有效的措施抓好落实,全面提高农村基层组织建设的整体水平,促进农村的改革、发展和稳定,从我县抓农村基层组织建设的实践来看,应注重把握好以下十个方面的问题。 一、要树立一个观点。就是要牢固树立“抓党建出生产力”、“抓党建促发展”的观点。解决中国改革、发展、稳定的问题,实现国家和一个地区的繁荣富强与长治久安,关键在我们党和一个地区的各级党组织。江泽民总书记在“三个代表”中首要强调的就是我们党要做中国先进社会生产力发展要求的忠实代表。各级党组织不能只重视经济发展而忽视党建工作,认为经济是硬指标,党建是软任务的思想必须切实转变。在“三级联创”工作中,要做到“两个轮子”一齐转,两项工作一起 “Three levels of joint creation” activities, is to strengthen the rural grassroots organizations an effective carrier. How to further deepen the understanding of the “three-tier joint creation” activities, adopt practical and effective measures to do a good job in implementing the overall level of grassroots organizations in rural areas in an all-round way, and promote the reform, development and stability in the rural areas; Practice, we should pay attention to grasp the following ten aspects of the problem. First, we must establish a point of view. It is necessary to firmly establish the viewpoint of “grasping the party’s ability to build productive forces” and “grasping the party building and promoting development”. The key to resolving the problems of China’s reform, development and stability and achieving the country’s prosperity and long-term peace and stability in one region lies with our party and the party organizations at all levels in one region. General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s primary emphasis in the “three represents” is that our party should faithfully represent the requirements of the development of the advanced social productive forces in China. Party organizations at all levels can not only emphasize economic development but neglect party building, think that economy is a hard target, and that party building must be a soft task must be effectively changed. In the “triple joint creation” work, to be “two wheels” turn together, the two work together
多难固然可以兴邦,只是成本,太高了到处在谈30年,报纸电视互联网。我觉得这30年要是再晚几年来到,恐怕得憋坏一大批人。 More difficult, of course, can Xingbang, but the