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  摘 要:在英語学习过程中,英语教师应关注同学们如何运用语言,特别是掌握词汇,句型和综合运用之间的关系。本文作者经过多年的教学实践,发现语言学习的基本规律---句型学习为不同水平的学生构建学习的基石。从简单句,并列句到复合句的运用,我们就可以发现语言运用的本质。如果我们懂得如何让学生运用句型,学生们对语言的输入和输出会变得比较容易。作者将提供典型句型为同学们学习,为他们的可持续发展打下坚实的基础。
  New Curriculum and Examination Outline require Senior 3 students to be accessible to necessary knowledge,essential ability and subject quality;to solve the problems between man and egoism,man and society and man and nature(1).The students' learning state is not as efficient as we expect.They can't use key sentence patterns correctly,thus,they often make mistakes in their grammar exercise,passage correction and writing.It's urgent to classify the use of different kinds of sentence patterns and their relevant relationships.Beyond the separate uses,students should know the completely overall uses of the key sentences,especially in the context.
  Find the problems in students’ English learning
  Students have difficulty in using key sentence patterns.Some mistakes are shown in their homework,in their exams,in their English Weekly and in their book《创新设计总复习,英语分册二,满分必背》.List some sentences by classifying them into different types and analyze the reasons why students make such errors.After that,scaffold the students with some sentence patterns and ask them to make sentences with specific patterns.Finally,discuss with the students and find where the mistakes lie and how to correct them.Only in this way,can students really know how to use the language and how to improve their language level step by step.
  The above picture shows the functions of English abilities,sentence patterns and vocabulary,and their inner relationship.
  II.Five Basic simple sentence patterns
  Match the forms with the examples.
  III.Coordinate Sentences
  e.g.:1)Work hard and you’ll succeed.
  2)He is friendly to his friends and his friends do the same.
  IV.Compound Sentences
  1.Attributive Clause
  e.g.: There are many islands in China,of which Taiwan Island is the biggest one.(2)
  2.Adverbial Clauses(standing for time,place,condition and so on)
  1)Child as he is,he can speak English fluently.
  2)Please make notes where you can’t understand.
  3)Bamboo grows where it is warm and where it often rains.
  V.Noun Clauses
  1 Subjective Clauses
  e.g.:1)Whoever breaks the law will be punished.
  2)It is suggested that the meeting be put off till next Monday.   2 Predicative Clauses
  e.g.:The reason why Tom was absent is that he didn’t catch the early bus.
  3 Objective Clauses
  e.g.:1) He has made it clear that he will not give in.
  2) We’re worrying about what we should do next.
  4 Appositive Clauses
  e.g:The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true.
  VI.Translate from Chinese to English.
  Whether the meeting will be held is still a question.
  The news that the Chinese Table Tennis Team won the game is exciting.
  Hardly had we reached the train station when the train left.
  He didn’t go to bed until his father came back.
  It won't be a month before we take the college entrance examination.
  It was 9 pm when we got home yesterday.
  VII.Frequently Used Sentences
  Attachment 1 Sentences from the students’ outline of conclusion.
  Students’ Outline of Conclusion
  1.What made them so interesting was the fact that they all had different designs by them.
  2.Visitors can get a feel of what life was like for the people of Petra.
  3.I was surprised to see the desks pushed together,on which there was a big cake with candles on.
  4.About 30 to 35 percent of all adult colds are caused by nasal passage viruses,of which over 100 different types have been I identified so far.
  5.We have got so plenty of food as to treat our guests.
  Attachment 2 Sentences from English Weekly.
  From English Weekly
  1.The land on which the plant sits was used as farm land.(29期)(4)
  2.I’m very green when it comes to transport because I usually walk or ride everywhere.(30期)
  3.For a certain amount of time,you can ask them questions and listen to their stories,which are fascinating and immersive as any you can find in a book.(31期)
  4.With man’s skills of inventing things,the time may not be too far off when man may control the weather.(35期)
  5.Not only will this create good feelings but a more positive attitude since endorphins(内啡肽)are released,which make you feel happy and energized.
  Attachment 3 Sentence Patterns used in the writing.(students samples)
  Dear Sir/Madam,
  I’m Li Hua from Class 1,Senior 3.The reason why I write the letter is that I’m so interested in your English club that I’m rather eager to join it.   Speaking of my passion for English,I have realized it since I was 10 years old.Besides,I’m always devoted to all kinds of after-school activities.As far as I am concerned,taking part in English Club at weekends will not only help me relaxed but also give me chances to learn more new things about English.
  In a word,I really wish that I can join the club.I will appreciate it a lot if you could accept me.Thanks.
  Looking forward to your reply!
  Li Hua
  点评:1.so…that 句型
  2.not only…but also
  So from the above,we know English learning is a gradual process,which needs teachers’ teaching techniques,teachers’ patience and students’ collaboration.However,the most important of all is the basic knowledge of the typical sentence patterns,which has a deep effect on students’ improvement of language use.
  [1] 梅德明.普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)解读:北京:高等教育出版社,2018
摘 要:语文学科核心素养的四方面内容,其体现了高中语文教学改革与发展的方向。在高中语文教学中,语文学科核心素养应回归到语文教学实践活动、语文综合能力运用、高考语文能力考查变化等学以致用的过程中加以培养,才能体现核心素养与学生发展、学生成长的持久关系,实现语文教学为学生未来发展成长服务的目标。  关键词:学科核心素养;高中语文;实践思考  随着《普通高中语文课程标准》的修订,语文学科的四个核心素养体
摘 要:随着教育改革的不断开展,如何提高小学数学教学有效性,提高学生的学习成绩,促进学生综合能力的全面发展已经成为当前小学数学教师的首要任务。要提高学生的学习效率,首先要使学生产生浓厚的学习兴趣,这样才会能促使学生自主的参与到学习活动中。因此,小学数学教师要在教学中提高课堂教学的趣味性,进而激发学生的学习热情,提高学生的参与度,进而提高学生的学习效率,使学生爱上数学,感受数学的魅力和学习数学的乐趣
摘 要:文言文教学是语文阅读教学的重要组成部分,关于文言文教学设计的文献主要分为整个教学设计,教学目标设计,教学内容设计,教学方法设计,教学评价设计五个方面。  关键词:文言文;教学设计;文献  一、概念界定  “文言文是指以‘文言’这种古代书面语写出的文章,包括先秦时期的作品以及后世历代文人模仿先秦书面语写成的作品。”文言文教学设计是指关于文言文教学目标,教学内容,教学方法,教学情境,板书或演示
摘 要:近年来,随着新课标教育理念的不断普及和发展,对小学音乐教与学的过程提出了新的要求。基于新课标的教学模式、方法、过程研究,是对传统音乐课程教育的反思与改革,更是顺应时代教育的发展。本文结合传统小学音乐课程的教学问题、困境,反观新课标下小学音乐教学模式、方法、过程的优势,进一步探索新时期小学音乐课程的教学发展。  关键词:新课标;小学音乐;教学;探索;模式  一、引言  音乐是人类最古老、最具
摘 要:在小学语文教学中,虽然教师能意识到部分学生在语文学习中十分吃力,语文成绩十分不理想,但教师却很少针对这部分学生采取相关的策略,激发这部分学生对语文的学习兴趣,提高其学习的有效性。本文对学困生产生的原因进行分析,并就提高学困生学习兴趣的策略进行探讨。  关键词:提高;学困生;学习兴趣  传统的小学语文课堂枯燥乏味,难以将学生对语文的学习兴趣激发出来。当学生在学习中缺乏积极性时,其在遇到问题的
摘 要:作为学生的重要学习阶段,高中学习对学生今后的发展尤为关键。对于化学学科而言,其是学生升学考试中的一门重要学科。随着我国新课改的深入,大多数高中学校的教师对化学课堂的教学效果越来越重视,并且也越来越注重化学教学模式的创新,为提升高中化学课堂教学的有效性,积极实现由“讲堂”向“学堂”的转变。  关键词:新课改;高中;化学教学  一、对高中化学新课改的剖析  (一)教材内容与生活实际结合得更加紧
摘 要:民间美术以视觉形象承载和表达民众的思想观念、情感态度和审美趣味,丰富了民众的精神生活和物质世界。在多元文化和信息化社会中,民间美术对于小学生学习图像传达与交流、形成朴素的视觉文化意识和培养新锐的创造意识的功能是无法取代的。拙文从美术的基本功能、民间美术的功能的特殊性、民间美术功能与小学美术教育等角度来阐述民间美术的功能。民间美术资源得到合理的开发和利用,民间美术的功能在小学美术教育中的充分
摘 要:根据新课标的内容要求,明确表示初中物理实践性教学在整个物理教学中的关键地位,并且对于初中学生物理实践性学习也提出了更高的要求。此篇文章结合自身初中物理实践性教学实践经验,详细的介绍思维导图法在初中物理实践性教学中的应用。通过在初中物理实践性教学中应用思维导图,有助于加强学生在实际生活中运用物理知识的能力,在物理实践教学中应用思维导图可以更好的促进学生对知识的吸收。  关键词:初中物理;思维
摘 要:随着新基础课程的改革发展,我国各级相关教育部门对高中物理教学提出了更高的标准和要求,怎样提高教学质量基于实验设计增强对学生的核心素养培育,是广大高中物理教师一直在不断思考和探索的问题,物理核心素养是学生需要具备的物理思维和科学观念等多方面素养,本文以下将通过基于实验设计的高中物理核心素养培育探讨,在总结教学现状的基础上提出有益的参考建议。  关键词:高中物理;核心素养;实验教学  前言  
摘 要:自从索绪尔提出能指所指概念之后,这一对概念就变成了语言学和语言哲学中最基本的概念。本文首先通过谈论符号来理解语言的符号性质有何意义,然后讨论索绪尔提出的能指和所指有何含义,以及能指和所指理论对语言和语言哲学的深远影响,最后综合索绪尔之后的其他学者对这对概念的理解和批判来总结出能指和所指理论在现代语言学中的发展现状。  关键词:符号学;语言学;能指和所指  在《普通语言学教程》一书中索绪尔提