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时光极速流淌,转眼2010年已过半。玉树地震平息了,南方诸多干裂的河床也已重现生机,甚至未有一个习惯的过度,便泛滥开来,从抗旱到抗洪,一切都来的突兀,天意莫测。而世界和中国经济又何尝不是这季节的翻版,从年初的全球经济迅速回暖,各国纷纷讨论政策退出的时点,到二季度后的欧洲债务危机,引发了世界关于经济危机是否会二次探底的争论。中国经济也处在持续过热之中,管理层一方面为了遏制房价过快上涨,全力防止通胀速度加快,出台了一系列政策紧缩措施;一方面也忧虑全球经济的不确定性,担心政策收紧的力度过大,会影响经济复苏的进程,故政策调控处在了两难境地。也许,社会各方都需要一个观察期,以便抉择下一步棋,子落何处。中国地板行业在今年明显好转的大环境下实现了迅猛回升,伴随着低碳时代的全面到来,以及建材下乡等相关政策的陆续推出,地板行业的社会关注度明显提升。但面对复杂多变的国内外经济形势和政策转向,加之地板行业本身正发生的深刻变革,中国地板行业2010年下半年会呈现怎样的发展态势?地板企业将遇到哪些困难和机遇?每个地板人应如何应对挑战,做出怎样的抉择呢?笔者且做一些关键词的解读,仅为抛砖引玉,望其能带来些许启发和思考。2010年,春天来得很晚,一些事情完结了,一些事情开始了。 Time flowing, blink of an eye in 2010 has more than half. The Yushu earthquake has subsided. Many dry-cracked river beds in the south have also been reborn, and even without a habit of over-exploitation, floods have started. From the drought-fighting to the flood control, everything has come to be unpredictable. However, the world and China’s economy are not the same as this quarter. Since the beginning of the global economy was rapidly warming up, all countries discussed the exit of policies and the European debt crisis after the second quarter triggered the world’s second bottoming out about the economic crisis Controversy China’s economy is also under continuous overheating. On the one hand, in order to curb the excessive rise in house prices and prevent inflation from accelerating, the management has issued a series of policy austerity measures. On the one hand, it also worries about the global economic uncertainty and fears policy tightening The intensity of the project will affect the process of economic recovery, so policy control is in a dilemma. Perhaps all parties in society need a period of observation in order to decide where to go for the next move. The flooring industry in China saw a rapid rebound under the markedly improved environment this year. With the advent of the low-carbon era and the introduction of related policies such as the building materials going to the countryside, the social attention of the flooring industry has obviously improved. However, faced with the complex and ever-changing domestic and international economic situation and policy changes, coupled with the profound changes that are taking place in the flooring industry, what are the development trends of the flooring industry in the second half of 2010? What difficulties and opportunities will the flooring enterprises encounter? How to deal with the challenge of a floor man, make a choice? The author and do some key words of interpretation, only to initiate, hope it can bring some inspiration and thinking. In 2010, spring came late, something was over and something started.
<正> 1 中国食用菌产业的现状 中国食用菌产业改革开放以来发展迅速,1997年总产量达400万吨,从事食用菌及相关行业的人员约1000万人,大面积栽培的主要品种有:平菇、香菇、双
从原材料来源与利用、功能性产品的开发、环保产品的开发以及节能减排技术的创新等几方面阐述了科技创新对我国人造板工业可持续发展的重要性。 From the sources and utili
<正> 近年来,经济理论界最为引人注目的争论之一,就是所谓“控制通货膨胀和控制失业哪一个更重要”的问题, 在实际政策操作中,控制通货膨胀论者无疑占了上风。不过,随着通货
目的 通过噬菌体展示技术制备人FcεRIα的scFv片段并建立抗人FcεRIα自身抗体的检测方法,为慢性自发性荨麻疹的临床治疗提供有效的诊断依据。方法 通过噬菌体抗体库筛选技
目的 探讨骨水泥椎弓根钉治疗老年腰椎滑脱症的临床疗效.方法 选择2013年9月至2015年9月宝鸡市中医医院接诊的90例老年腰椎滑脱症患者作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分为观察