History and Development of Mobile Tariff in China

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:din6688
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With the rapid growth of mobile market in China,mobile phone has stepped into people’s life.Mobile development, especially mobile tariff is more and more concerned.At the same time,as services and competition in the mobile market change,package pricing,bundle pricing and sales, and handset compensation are becoming increasingly popular in the daily life.The diversified trend of mobile tariff calls for further study and analysis.By giving accurate historical facts and detailed data,as well as comprehensive description of mobile tariff development and history in China,the article analyzes several hot issues like handset compensation and tariff competition in order to offer beneficial reference for communication investigation. With the rapid growth of mobile market in China, mobile phone has stepped into people’s life. Mobile development, especially mobile tariff is more and more concerned. A the same time, as services and competition in the mobile market change, package pricing, bundle pricing and sales, and handset compensation are becoming increasingly popular in the daily life.The diversified trend of mobile tariff calls for further study and analysis. By making accurate historical facts and detailed data, as well as comprehensive as mobile salt development and history in China , the article analyzes several hot issues like handset compensation and tariff competition in order to offer beneficial reference for communication investigation.
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