刘晓庆 始终不是武媚娘

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戏里戏外都是戏的刘晓庆,注定是要和“戏”分不开的。戏里她是指点江山的武则天,戏外她是话题女商人,沉沉浮浮的人生本身已经是高潮迭起的好剧本。她曾经笑容如花迷倒万千影迷,穿着大胆让80年代的民众啧啧称奇。但现在的她却饱受时尚人士诟病,感觉仍停留在当时的年华。跨越三代的女明星,还是难逃时间的定律,越是挣扎越显得可怕。从时尚指标变成红地毯杀手,刘晓庆是否已经回魂乏术? Liu Xiaoqing, who is acting outside the drama, is destined to be inseparable from “opera”. In the play, she is pointing Wu Jiangtian in the country. She is a topic businesswoman. The ups and downs of life itself is already a good orgasm script. She has smiled like a fan over millions of fans, daring to amaze the people of the 80’s. But now she has been criticized by fashion people, feeling still stuck in the time. Female stars spanning three generations, or escape the law of time, the more struggling the more terrible. From the fashion index into a red carpet killer, Liu Xiaoqing has been rehabilitated?
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她,拥有高挑的身材和清秀的脸庞; 她,拥有质朴的亲情和浓郁的爱情;她, 囊括了亚运会、世锦赛、尤伯杯的金牌, 而2004年她又在雅典夺得羽毛球女子单打冠军,一举成为中国女羽大