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贫困地区基层党组织是带领农牧民脱贫致富,全面建 设小康社会的领导核心和战斗堡垒,是提高党的执政能力, 巩固党在农村牧区执政地位的重要基础。其执政能力与水 平如何,不仅直接决定着党的执政成效,也决定着贫困地区 的发展进程。因此,大力加强贫困地区基层党组织执政能力 建设,不断提高其凝聚力、战斗力和创造力,对保证贫困农 村牧区脱贫致富,加快全面建设小康社会的进程,具有十分 重要的意义。 The grass-roots party organizations in poverty-stricken areas are the core of the leadership and the battle-fighting for leading peasants and herdsmen out of poverty and building a well-off society in an all-round way. This is an important basis for enhancing the party’s ability to govern and consolidating the party’s ruling position in rural pastoral areas. Its ability and ability to govern not only directly determines the success of the party’s governance, but also determines the process of development in poor areas. Therefore, it is of great significance to vigorously strengthen the building of the governing capability of the grass-roots party organizations in poor areas and continuously increase their cohesion, combat effectiveness and creativity to ensure that poverty-stricken rural pastoral areas get rid of poverty and accelerate the process of building an overall well-to-do society.
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