
来源 :复合材料学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caiqigang
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与常规层合板相比,变刚度层合板的制造、有限元建模分析和铺层设计有其特殊之处。首先对设计时需考虑的制造因素进行了归纳,提出了变刚度层合板的铺层设计要求。然后给出了变刚度层合板的理想模型和考虑丝束宽度模型的建模方法。基于理想模型对ABAQUS的前处理模块进行二次开发,利用编制的参数化建模程序分析了不同铺放角的变刚度层合板的屈曲性能,并讨论了最小曲率半径对铺层的限制和变刚度设计提高屈曲载荷的机制。基于变刚度层合板的抗屈曲机制建立了一种铺层优化设计方法,使用遗传算法经两步优化得到最优铺层。对最优铺层建立考虑丝束宽度的模型以研究丝束宽度和铺层偏移对变刚度层合板抗屈曲铺层优化结果的影响。研究表明,在变刚度层合板的抗屈曲铺层优化中使用简化的理想模型通常来说是可行的。在考虑制造因素的情况下,优化后的变刚度层合板较常规层合板屈曲载荷有显著提高。 Compared with the conventional laminates, the manufacture of variable stiffness laminates, finite element modeling analysis and lay-up design has its special features. First of all, the manufacturing factors to be considered in the design are summarized, and the design requirements of the laminate with variable stiffness are put forward. Then the ideal model of the variable stiffness laminates and the modeling method considering the tow width model are given. Based on the ideal model, the pre-processing module of ABAQUS was redeveloped. The parametric modeling program was used to analyze the buckling performance of variable stiffness laminates with different laying angles. The constraints and variations of the minimum radius of curvature Stiffness design to improve the buckling load mechanism. Based on the anti-buckling mechanism of variable stiffness laminates, a method of optimal design of plies was established, and the optimal ply was obtained by two-step optimization using genetic algorithm. A model considering the width of the tow was established for the optimal lay-up to study the effect of tow width and lay-off on the optimal results of the anti-buckling lay-up of the variable stiffness laminate. Studies have shown that it is generally feasible to use a simplified idealized model in the buckling optimization of variable stiffness laminates. Taking into account the manufacturing conditions, the optimized variable stiffness laminates have significantly higher buckling loads than conventional laminates.
天空灰蒙蒙的,看样子要下雪。早起望着窗外的川自顾自地想着。带一把伞吧。他随手拿起了自己挂在墙上的蓝色的雨伞。  “你又起這么早干啥啊?9点钟才考试呢!”室友纷纷一脸不满地埋怨道。昨晚他们出去聚餐了,一直到十一点多才回来,今早被川起床的动静吵醒了。他沉默不语,把伞放进了包里走出了宿舍。  川怅然若失地走在路上,有零星的雪花落在身上。开学以来,自己和室友的关系处得都不是很好,他为此苦恼不已。  教学楼
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