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作为侦查取证的重要手段,审讯对公安机关有效查明案件事实,全面收集证据,追诉犯罪发挥着至关重要的作用。剖析2004年以来法院判无罪和检察机关因证据不足不起诉的88起案件,遗憾地发现,有65起案件是由于犯罪嫌疑人翻供,侦查人员无法组织起有效深入的讯问,以进一步获得真实的供述,或者由于犯罪嫌疑人翻供后,检察人员、审判人 As an important means of investigation and evidence collection, the trial of the public security organs to effectively identify the facts of the case, a comprehensive collection of evidence, prosecution of crimes play a crucial role. Analyzing 88 cases of innocence of the court and prosecutors prosecuted for lack of evidence since 2004, it is regrettable to find that 65 cases were due to surrender of suspects and that investigators were unable to organize an effective and in-depth interrogation to further obtain truth Of the confession, or because the suspect turned over, prosecutors, trial people
七十年风雨兼程,七十年哺将育英。2008年11月12日,南京陆军指挥学院隆重召开庆祝建院七十周年大会。中央军委委员、总参谋长陈炳德上将,南京军区司令员赵克石(?) Seventy ye
10月1日,在天安门广场举行的“新中国成立60周年国庆大阅兵”让我们大饱眼福,见识了新中国的强大:一个个整齐划一的方队、一架架 On October 1, the “National Day Parade
China’s white paper on national defense sheds light on its long-term strategy of military modernization china issued a white paper China’s white paper on nat
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