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首先,必须强化财政收支总量控制,调整支出结构,努力实现财政收支平衡。一是要在坚持有保有压原则基础上,继续控制固定资产投资规模,并以国家制定的产业政策为依据,合理调整投资结构,认真清理在建项目,大力压缩非生产性建设投资;调整投资结构,保证农业、能源、交通、教育、科技等重点建设的需要,使财政支出结构逐步趋于合理,并把财政收支总量控制与培养梯级继起式的财源结构紧密地结合起来,为国民经济稳定协调的发展创造坚实的基础。二是改进行政事业费的供应办法,按照不同单位的性质和资金支出形式的特点,实行不同的供应办法。如对一些文艺团体、设计单位等能够自己组 First of all, we must strengthen the control of total fiscal revenue and expenditure, adjust the expenditure structure, and strive to achieve a balance of payments. First, we should continue to control the scale of investment in fixed assets on the basis of adhering to the principle of maintaining the ownership and keeping the pressure of repayment. Based on the industrial policies formulated by the state, we should rationally adjust the investment structure, earnestly clean up the projects under construction, and greatly reduce non-productive investment in construction. Structure, and ensure the construction of agriculture, energy, transportation, education, science and technology and other key construction, so that the structure of fiscal expenditure gradually become more reasonable, and the total financial revenue and expenditure control and training step-by-step type of financial structure closely linked to The stable and coordinated development of the national economy has created a solid foundation. The second is to improve the supply of administrative fees approach, according to the nature of different units and the characteristics of capital expenditures, the implementation of different supply methods. For example, some literary and art groups, design units, etc. can own group
医保政策的出台,对医疗机构原有的管理制度造成了一定冲击。如何协调好自己与参保患者、医保管理部门三方的共同利益,是摆在定点医院管理者面前一道待解的难题。 “医疗保险
四川省人民医院日前宣布 ,全国首家完善的专业营养护理队伍在该院正式成立 ,这些护理人员的主要工作是指导患者合理膳食或者利用医疗器械为患者输入体内需要的营养素。据中国
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