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为表彰旅居海南的来自全国文学艺术界的精英对海南省文化事业的卓越贡献,海南省召开第二届旅居海南文学艺术家年会。共有17位来自不同专业的美术家、文学家、音乐家受到表彰与奖励,其中旅居海南音乐界的著名作曲家田歌、冯世全、晓其金榜提名。三位作曲家利用每年冬 In recognition of outstanding contributions from Hainan’s literary and art circles to Hainan’s cultural undertakings, Hainan Province held the 2nd Annual Hainan Literature and Art Artists’ Annual Meeting. A total of 17 artists, writers and musicians from different disciplines received awards and rewards. Among them, famous songwriters Tian Ge and Feng Shiquan, who live in Hainan’s music industry, nominated Xiao Jinbang. Three composers use each winter
The Zn1-xMgxO thin films were deposited on sapphire substrates by reactive electron beam evaporationdeposition (REBED). The X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement
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某位明星或演员为了某个角色而对自己的身体大动干戈或拼命尝试各种健身方法的新闻已经屡见不鲜了。可在最近炙手可热的奥斯卡提名影片《黑天鹅(Black Swan)》中,女主角Natalie Ponman却从电影开拍的半年前,就展开了长达数月的芭蕾舞训练。为了化身影片中的专业芭蕾舞演员,Natalie师从前纽约市立芭蕾舞团演员Mary HelenBowers女士,每周花上六天的时间练习芭蕾,每天至少练习八
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