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都市生活的紧张,使得人们对休闲的生活方式心怀渴望;而我国目前普遍的人居环境的不足, 让能洗涤都市人心灵、减轻喧嚣生活疲累的茶艺馆越来越受到人们的青睐。美林景园是长沙市著名的园林小区,茶馆就在小区水声淙淙、荷叶轻摇的小湖旁边。当我们接手这个工程后,到现场观察时,发现茶馆面积只有150m2,且柱子特别多楼层特别低,设计难度相当大。经过反复的推敲,我们决定将地面向下挖0.6m,提高室内空间,并为这个茶馆选择了一种融合简约与古典设计元素的混合风格。整个茶馆被分为前后两部分,前部分与后部分之间设有一个鱼池,鱼池上面铺砌一座石板桥, 桥的两边设有小瀑。前部分不大,主要是为后部分打好过渡的铺垫,也为门面做好衬托;后部分的处理显然更加花费心思,在中间几根柱子之间独具匠心地设置了一个琵琶演奏平台,平台的周边用透明薄纱围闭,顾客边品茶边欣赏透过薄纱观赏演奏所产生的朦胧美。为了与外部园林环境相结合,我们运用了江南园林的设计手法,对自然情景进行简练地模拟,小瀑鱼池、石桥石路、小溪流水,玻璃模拟的菏叶伴着水中欢游的鱼儿共同传达着一种难以言说的沉静韵味。 The tension in urban life makes people crave for a leisure lifestyle. However, the general shortage of living environment in our country makes tea art museums that can wash away urbanites and relieve the hustle and bustle of life are more and more favored by people. Merrill Lynch Park is a famous garden district in Changsha City, teahouses in the district water acrobatics, lotus leaves rocking next to the small lake. When we took over the project, when we came to the site to observe, we found that the teahouse area was only 150m2, and the pillars were particularly low in many floors and the design was quite difficult. After repeated scrutiny, we decided to dig the ground down 0.6m, to improve the interior space, and for the teahouse chose a mix of minimalist and classical design elements of the mixed style. The entire teahouse is divided into two parts before and after the former part and the latter part of a fish pond, paved fish pond above a stone bridge, the bridge has a small waterfall on both sides. The first part is not large, mainly for the rear part lay the groundwork for the transition, but also for the facade set off; the latter part of the deal is obviously more cost-conscious, in the middle of several pillars between the distinctive set of a pipa playing platform, platform Surrounded with transparent tissue closed, customers enjoy tea while watching through the gauze produced by playing the hazy beauty. In order to combine with the external garden environment, we use the design techniques of the southern garden to simulate the natural scenes concisely. The small waterfall pool, the stone bridge, the stream water, the glass mimicry leaves accompany the fish Children together convey an unspeakable quiet charm.
最近英国的泰勒建筑公司的分公司研制出一种新型钢筋锈蚀探测装置,它可以快速探测混凝土中钢筋的锈蚀状况。这种装置是利用电位测定的原理,用钢制的电极接触混 Recently, a
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1. 下列各选项中,没有语病的一项是( )  A. 中新网珠海11月16日电,拥有自主知识产权的中国C919大型客机16日在珠海航展上获得中外6家客户共100架订单。  B. 唐立久说:“有不同的声音是好的。不管‘引渤入新’是伟大设想还是天方夜谭,都已经引起了新疆乃至全国各界对新疆水资源利用和发展的关注与重视。”  C. 会议强调,按照“四不放过”原则和“依法依规,实事求是,注重实效”,彻底查
学前班要做哪些 入学准备 国家教委《关于进一步办好幼儿学前班的意见》中指出:“在我国各地经济、文化、教育发展很不平衡,大部分地区幼儿教育发展不够发达的情况下,举办学