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目的研究常熟市男性2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者吸烟对血糖水平的影响。方法选取常熟市目前已纳入国家基本公共卫生服务的4 157例男性T2DM患者,按吸烟情况分为大量吸烟组、少量吸烟组、戒烟组和不吸烟组,通过问卷调查收集患者的一般人口学资料、生活方式和疾病信息;测量身高、体重、腰围和臀围等,计算体质指数(BMI)和腰臀比(WHR);实验室检测空腹血糖(FPG)和糖化血红蛋白(Hb A1c)。比较各组患者一般情况和血糖水平的差异,采用协方差分析校正可能的混杂因素影响,采用多元线性回归分析和偏相关分析了解吸烟与血糖水平的相关性及影响程度。结果大量吸烟组与少量吸烟组、戒烟组、不吸烟组相比,FPG均偏高(均P<0.05),校正可能的混杂因素后,差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05);大量、少量吸烟组与戒烟组、不吸烟组相比,Hb A1c均偏高(均P<0.05),校正可能的混杂因素后,差异仍有统计学意义(均P<0.05);每日吸烟支数是Hb A1c的影响因素(β=0.07,P<0.05)。开始吸烟年龄与FPG、Hb A1c不存在相关性(均P>0.05);每日吸烟支数与Hb A1c存在正相关关系(r=0.06,P<0.05),但与FPG不存在相关性(P>0.05)。结论吸烟对常熟市男性T2DM患者血糖水平有一定程度的影响,需加强健康教育,进一步降低男性居民吸烟率。 Objective To investigate the effect of smoking on blood glucose in male patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in Changshu city. Methods A total of 4 157 male patients with T2DM who were included in the national basic public health services were selected and divided into a large number of smoking groups, a few smoking groups, a smoking cessation group and a non-smoking group according to their smoking status. The general demographic data of patients were collected through questionnaire survey , Lifestyle and disease information. Body height, weight, waist circumference and hip circumference were measured. Body mass index (BMI) and waist-hip ratio (WHR) were calculated. Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and HbA1c were detected in the laboratory. Covariance analysis was used to investigate the possible influence of confounding factors. Multivariate linear regression analysis and partial correlation analysis were used to investigate the correlation between smoking and blood glucose levels and the degree of influence. Results Compared with those in small amount of smoking group, smoking cessation group and non-smoking group, FPG were higher in large number of smoking group (all P <0.05), and no significant difference was found after adjusting for possible confounding factors (all P> 0.05) (P <0.05). There were still significant differences in Hb A1c between the small number of smoking groups and the smoking cessation group and the non-smoking group (all P <0.05). After adjusting for possible confounding factors, the differences were still statistically significant The number is the influencing factor of Hb A1c (β = 0.07, P <0.05). There was no significant correlation between age at onset of smoking and FPG and Hb A1c (all P> 0.05). There was a positive correlation between daily smoking counts and Hb A1c (r = 0.06, P <0.05), but no correlation with FPG > 0.05). Conclusion Smoking has a certain degree of influence on blood glucose level in male patients with T2DM in Changshu City. It is necessary to strengthen health education and further reduce the smoking rate of male residents.
摘自3月5日的委员会会议速记记录 克拉辛:……我们得知,哈尔科夫的沃罗比约夫教授是解剖防腐处理方面的大专家。我们决定召请这位专家。前几天他到了,检查了弗拉基米尔·伊
Objectives. It has been suggested that the 6A allele of the type ITGFβ receptor (TGFβ R1) polyalanine repeat tract polymorphism may increase susceptibility to
市场分析: 水是生命的摇篮,是人类发展的重要物质基础,人类对水的需求是任何物质都无法替代的,节约水资源已引起全人类的普遍关注。我国是世界上水资源缺乏的国家之一,据资
跳蚤市场创业方案 跳蚤市场就是旧货市场,它在欧美很流行。我国目前的跳蚤市场主要出现在校园,卖的物品多是临毕业学生的旧物、旧书。但事实上,国外的社区多有这种跳蚤市场,
王治郅回国了。  当年,国家队征召他参加世锦赛和亚运会赛前集训,因大郅当时在NBA处于失业状态,希望先找份工作,然后回国。他犹豫也有点拖延,加上美国媒体的不实报道,于是,他与球队和体育主管部门之间造成了媒体所说的“误会”。之后他被指称“缺乏国家荣誉感”,大郅也干脆就“滞美不归”。  随后几年,媒体不断传出篮协要“拯救”大郅的信息。今天,他终于回来了。王治郅本人诚恳地向中国篮协致歉,对自己过去不成熟