炉西峡,自从被人们揭开神秘的面纱后,来旅游探险的人趋之若鹜,因为它的水电开发,更成了人们关注的焦点。一条峡谷,因为水电开发,引来了无数保护的呼声;一场旷日持久的抉择,摆在决策者面前,绝非是开发还是保护那么简单。数百万元,水电开发前期投入如何处理? 40公里,原始生态的山水又该怎样保护?开发与保护成了一对难以协调的矛盾。是选择经济利益的诱惑,还是给后人留下这片原生态的绿色?艰难抉择,等待着最终的一个决定。
Stove Xixia, since being unveiled mysterious veil, to travel adventurers rush, because of its hydropower development, has become the focus of attention. A canyon, because of the development of hydropower, has attracted the voice of countless protections; a protracted decision, placed before policy makers, is by no means developed or protected as simple. Millions of dollars, hydropower development investment in how to deal with? 40 km, the original ecological landscape how to protect? Development and protection has become a difficult to reconcile the contradiction. Is the temptation to choose the economic interests, or to leave the original eco-green? Difficult choices, waiting for a final decision.