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你总说你走错门了。我讨厌你总是用这样的借口,用那缓慢而又笨拙的开门声,扰乱了门内的我的学习和生活。当我用恼怒而不耐烦的眼神猛然回击时,便像刺破了你的谎言似的,让你倏然一凛,慌张地自言自语:“哦,走错门了。”就离开了。声音很小,就像无赖耍横般没有底气。于是,这就像导火索般点燃了我的情绪,火药味便弥漫着整 You always say you go wrong. I hate you for always using my excuse to disrupt my study and life in the door with a slow, clunky, open door. When I snapped back in an angry and impatient look, it was like trying to pierce your lies, leaving you alone and panicked: “Oh, the wrong door. ” It’s The sound is very small, just like a rogue playing like no horizontal. So, this is like a fuse like ignite my emotions, the smell of gunpowder filled the whole