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愚人文学(Narrenliteratur)系指德国十五、十六世纪市民阶层上升时期盛行的一种文学创作倾向。那时一些人文主义的作家和诗人给他们的作品的主人公披上“愚人”的外衣,以此抨击当时的种种社会弊端,反对愚昧和专制的封建主特权。愚人文学的创始人为德国诗人塞巴斯蒂安·布兰特,他于1494年用德语写了对韵句的长诗《愚人船》,共113章。作品叙述船上载着一百十一名愚人去纳拉戈尼恩旅行,每个愚人都是一种社会弊端和罪恶的化身。他们在途中做了一系列的蠢事,以此揭露和批评了整个社会的等级制度,教会机构以及同时代人的恶习。《愚人船》发表后,受到群众的广泛欢迎,也在国际上获得了强烈的反响,竟相翻译出版或进行仿作。人文主义者雅各布·洛赫尔就因翻译《愚人船》而闻名。《愚人船》还成了著名传教士盖勒尔·封·克在布道时引证的主要内容。嗣后,在德国出现了一系列的“愚人文学”作品,盛 Narrenliteratur refers to a kind of literary creation tendency prevailing in the rise of the citizen class in Germany in the 15th and 16th centuries. At that time, some humanistic writers and poets put on their “fools” the cloaks of their works in order to attack all kinds of social malpractices at the time and to oppose the ignorant and authoritarian feudal lords. Fool ’s literature was the founder of the German poet Sebastian Brent, who wrote the long poem “Fool’ s Ship” in verse 1493 in German with 113 chapters. Description of works The ship carries 111 fools to travel to Nalgonean. Each fool is a social inclinations and evil incarnation. They did a series of stupid things en route, exposing and criticizing the hierarchy of societies as a whole, church institutions and the bad habits of their contemporaries. After the publication of the “Fool’s Boat,” it was widely welcomed by the masses and also received a strong international response. It was either translated or published for imitation. The humanist Jacob Lowell is famous for translating “Fool’s Boat.” The “Fool’s Boat” also became the main content quoted by the famous missionary Gereel Packer in his sermon. Subsequently, a series of “fools’ literature” appeared in Germany
李师傅擅长火工菜。如扬州名菜“醋溜桂鱼”、“蟹粉狮子头”、“扒烧整猪头”、“八宝鸭子”等等。 Master Lee is good at cooking. Such as Yangzhou dishes “vinegar s
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我吃过多种方法烹制的虾:软炸虾、油焖虾、番茄虾仁、清炒虾仁、盐水虾、虾仁馄饨、虾仁蒸 I have eaten a variety of ways to cook shrimp: soft fried shrimp, shrimp s
进入寒冬,大街小巷都有吆喝卖甘薯的,这东西着实便宜.然而,除了孩子外,成人一般并不喜食它,嫌它“外形丑陋、入口粗糙、食后大便频繁.” However, in addition to children
鹿宴是沈阳凤凰饭店的风味宴.是由该店厨师长、特三级厨师金立新设计的.金师傅虽然只有46岁,可干这一行已有29个春秋了.他自 Deer feast is the Phoenix Hotel Phoenix fea