党的十五大对深入开展反腐败斗争作出了进一步部署。审计系统各级党组织和纪检监察部门必须在提高认识,狠抓落实,加强和完善领导体制及工作机制上狠下功夫,把审计系统的党风廉政建设和反腐败工作继续推向深入。 一、加强反腐倡廉工作必须进一步提高认识 党的十五大强调指出:“反对腐败是关系党和国家生死存亡的严重政治斗争”,“在整个改革开放过程中都要反对腐败,警钟长呜。既要树立持久作战的思想,又要一个一个地打好阶段性战役”,“在党内绝不允许腐败分子有藏身之地”。全国各级审计机关的党组织和领导干部都要认真学习领会党的十五大精神,深刻认识当前腐败现象的严重性和反腐败斗争的重要性及紧迫性。反腐败是我们党的一贯方针,是邓小平理论的重要
The 15th National Congress of the CPC has made further arrangements for further launching a fight against corruption. Party organizations and discipline inspection and supervision departments at all levels of the audit system must make greater efforts in raising awareness and implementing and strengthening and improving the leadership and working mechanism so as to continue to deepen the construction of a clean government and the fight against corruption in the audit system. I. Strengthening the Work on Combating Corruption and Advocating Honesty Must be Further Aware to the Party The 15th CPC National Congress stressed: “Opposing corruption is a serious political struggle that affects the survival of the party and the country.” “We must oppose corruption throughout the reform and opening up process. It is necessary to establish a long-term thinking of operations and to lay the stage-by-stage campaigns one by one. ”“ The corrupt elements in the party must not be allowed to hide behind. ” The party organizations and leading cadres of the audit institutions at all levels in the country must conscientiously study and understand the spirit of the 15th Party Congress and profoundly understand the seriousness of the current corruption and the importance and urgency of the fight against corruption. Anti-corruption is the consistent principle of our party and the important thing of Deng Xiaoping Theory