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由教育部、劳动和社会保障部、国家经贸委表彰的全国职业教育先进单位和个人,是我国职业教育战线上的典型代表。多年来,他们在职业教育战线上兢兢业业,不断创新,为我国劳动者素质的提高作出了突出贡献。随着入世和经济社会发展竞争的加剧,对人才特别是技能人才素质提出了更高的要求,进而对我们职业教育工作提出了更高要求。本刊推出的由全国职教会表彰的劳动保障系统先进单位和个人的主要事迹,就是为弘扬这些先进代表热爱职教事业、奉献职教事业的精神,希望以他们为榜样,把工作做得更好。 The national advanced units and individuals in vocational education, which are honored by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and the State Economic and Trade Commission, are the typical representatives of the vocational education in our country. Over the years, they are conscientious and conscientious in their field of vocational education and constantly innovate, making outstanding contributions to improving the quality of our laborers. With the intensified accession to the WTO and the increasing economic and social development, higher demands are placed on the quality of qualified personnel, especially skilled workers, which in turn sets higher demands on our vocational education. The major deeds of the advanced units and individuals in the labor and social security system commended by the National Vocational Church published by this magazine are to carry forward the spirit that these advanced representatives love the cause of vocational education and dedicate themselves to the cause of vocational education and hope that they can do their job as an example better.
医疗卫生事业的改革发展离不开卫生系统广大团员青年的参与。文章探究了新时期卫生系统青年团员的思想现状,分析其原因,并提出相应的对策。 The reform and development of
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学校图书馆是学校基础设施的重要组成部分。本文明确了学校图书馆的建设目标和建设措施。 School libraries are an important part of the school’s infrastructure. This
本文针对目前整车制造企业关注的变速器各档换算到输入轴的转动惯量当量参数问题,从能量的角度分析推导,通过对变速器总成实例介绍,对该参数的计算方法进行了探讨。 In this