乘西部开发东风 绘三晋通衢宏图──访山西省交通厅厅长王晓林

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Mr. Xiao Ling - Wang, the new director of Shan Xi transportation department is full of confidence when this reporter asked him the future of Shan Xi’ highway system. He said that oppor tunny knocks but once, we have to seize this historic times to make our expressway better to meet the need of 21 st century. We need to absorb more money for the upgrading of Shanxi transportation system. It is not enough to build an expressway network inside our province; we ought to connect it with 1lie expressway of our neighboring provinces. Another important work we need to do is to bring our first - class construction companies to the west provinces and support the west developing campaign. Mr. Xiao Ling - Wang, the new director of Shan Xi transportation department is full of confidence when this reporter asked him the future of Shan Xi ’highway system. He said that oppor tunny knocks but once, we have to seize this Historic times to make our expressway better to meet the need of 21 st century. We need to absorb more money for the upgrading of Shanxi transportation system. It is not enough to build an expressway network inside our province; weaves to it with 1lie expressway of our Another important work we need to do is to bring our first - class construction companies to the west provinces and support the west developing campaign.
夏季由于气温高,容易影响到汽车的使用寿命及行车安全。所以一定要注意做好预防工作,做到防患于未然。 Summer due to high temperatures, easily affect the life of the c
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现在养车要花多少钱已成为买车前要考虑的一个重要因素。买车时除了注重性能,还要考虑它的安全性,雪佛兰近1.7吨的自重和厚实的车身钢板,很容易就给人一种安全感, Now how m