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做一名医生要有高尚的医德、精湛的医术,同时还必须取得病人的信任。同一位病人,同样的药物,来自病人信任的医生,效果就好;来自不十分信任的医生,效果就不好。这是心理因素造成的,是客观存在。医务人员为病人服务必须深刻理解世界上没有两名同样的人,也没有两名同样的病人。同卵孪生的可以在外貌、行动、言语等方面完全相同,但随着年龄的增长,他们在心理上的差异就日渐明显起来。心理因素十分重要,人正是由于他有心理因素,才能随着周围事物的变化作必要的调整。健康不是一切,但没有健康就没有一切。 Be a doctor to have a noble medical ethics, superb medical skills, but also must obtain the patient’s trust. The same patient, the same drug, from the patient trust the doctor, the effect is good; from not quite trust the doctor, the effect is not good. This is caused by psychological factors, is an objective reality. Medical staff working for patients must have a deep understanding of the absence of two or more of the same people in the world and no two of the same patients. Identical twins can be exactly the same appearance, action, speech, etc., but as they grow older, their psychological differences become increasingly apparent. Psychological factors are very important, people are precisely because of his psychological factors in order to make the necessary adjustments with changes in the surrounding things. Health is not everything, but without health there is not everything.
V六奋沁抽请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。JVC CAR AUDIO OF 2005请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 V Liu Fenqin Please download to view, this a
评述了色谱在杯芳烃类化合物研究中的应用和杯芳烃类化合物在色谱中的应用,并对其在色谱中的应用前景作了展望。 The application of chromatography in the study of calixa
索绪尔的名著《普通语言学教程》是结构主义甚至现代语言学的奠基之作 ,内容十分广泛。其著作中最突出的特点是把语言现象分成言语活动、言语和语言 ,同时提出了符号理论和系
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