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江泽民同志在十六大报告中指出,实现工业化仍然是我国现代化进程中艰巨的历史性任务,要走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化路子。这是对我国13年来国有企业改革和发展的深刻总结,也是对今后国有企业改革和发展提出的根本要求。 葫芦岛有色金属集团有限公司是由葫芦岛锌厂与中国华融、长城、信达、东方四大资产管理公司,通过债转股而共同组建的,具有较强的规模和人才优势。但是,由于公司是由老企业转制而来,技术装备水平和管理手段还比较落后。如果我们不在创新上下功夫,仍然走传统发展的路子,是注定要被市场淘 Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out in the report of the 16th CPC National Congress that realizing industrialization is still an arduous historic task in the process of our country’s modernization. We must step up our efforts to bring about the full implementation of the human resources advantages of high technology content, good economic returns, low resource consumption, less environmental pollution New industrialized way. This is a profound summary of the reform and development of state-owned enterprises in our country over the past 13 years and is also a fundamental requirement for the reform and development of state-owned enterprises in the future. Huludao Non-Ferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd. is a joint venture formed by Huludao Zinc Plant and China Huarong, Great Wall, Cinda, and the East four asset management companies through debt-to-equity swap and has strong scale and talent advantage. However, as the company is transformed from an old enterprise, its technical equipment and management methods are still relatively backward. If we are not innovating, we still follow the path of traditional development and are destined to be scoured by the market.
本文提出了课时学案的概念,通过具体案例指出了课时学案设计时要注意的几个问题,课时学案的运用以及如何完善等问题。 This paper puts forward the concept of class case,
活动设想: 1.21世纪呼唤环保意识,还青山一片绿色,还秀水一片清澈, 还蓝天一片纯净……这是时代赋予你我的责任。我们只有一个地球,人类更需要的是环保。设计这堂活动课,其目
本文介绍一种适于埋入混凝土结构内的螺旋线微弯增敏光纤传感,描述其工作原理,并给出与光时域变换技术结合运用的实验结果。 This paper introduces a helix microbend sensit