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我的叔叔是我们寨子第一个考上大学的人,而且考上的是一所全国有名的大学。所以我们一家人在寨子里具有很高的声望,很受寨子里的乡亲们的尊重。叔叔走出寨子去外面上学的那天,全寨子的乡亲们都去为叔叔送行,直送到老山的脚下才止步。 My uncle was the first person in our stockade to go to college and was admitted to a prestigious university in the country. Therefore, our family has a high reputation in the stockade and is very much respected by the villagers in the village. The day the uncle came out of the stockade to go to school, the villagers of Quan Zhaizi went to see his uncle and went straight to Laoshan’s feet to stop.
新春伊始,国家电网公司着手布署新一年的新农村电气化建设任务,对所属单位提出了工作要求。新农村电气化建设的工作思路、目标要求 At the beginning of the new year, SGCC
What is this 1ife if,full ofcare,Wehave notimeto stand and stareNo time to stand beneath the boughs,And stare as long as sheep or cows.No time to see the woods
I hope you woke up this morning with a big smile on your face I hope the sun is shining just for you and the birds are singing their very best songs I hope yo
The inauguration took place on a bright, cold, and windy day. I sat on the platform just behind the new Cabinet and watched Lyndon stride down the aisle for the
坐在汽车后座上的人怎么能开车呢?他当然不能开车, 但他不开车却喋喋不休地指导司机开车:为什么不超车?前面的司机开得太慢了!看没看见有辆车从旁边路口出来了?啊,最好慢点儿,前