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集体林业生产推行联产承包责任制,是林业生产发展的需要,是林业生产管理体制和经营方式上的重大改革,也是振兴林业,开创林业建设新局面的关键。哲盟自开展林业“三定”工作以来,许多社队从实际情况出发,因林因地制宜,根据林业生产的特点,清除“左”的思想影响,请进“老包”,建立和健全各种形式的责任制,初步解决了吃大锅饭问题。但也有一些社队还没有把这项工作列入议事日程,在一些干部中由于“左”的思想影响,表现出一个“怕”字和“难”字,群众也有不托底、怕政策变的顾虑。当前,在改革的推动下,各级党委和政府应当象抓农业生产责任制一样,抓好林业生产 The implementation of the contract responsibility system for collective forestry production is the need of forestry production and development and a major reform in the management system and mode of operation of forestry. It is also the key to rejuvenating forestry and creating a new situation in forestry construction. Since carrying out the “three determinations” of forestry, many communes and comrades have proceeded from the actual conditions. Since the establishment of the “old pack” and the sounding of various “ Form of responsibility system, the initial solution to the problem of eating big pots. However, some communes and brigades have not included this work in the agenda. Some cadres have shown ”fear“ and ”difficulty“ because of ”leftist" ideology. The masses also have no backing and are afraid of policy changes. Worries. At present, under the impetus of the reform, Party committees and governments at all levels should, like grasping the responsibility system for agricultural production, do a good job in forestry production
到7月13日零时,自治区林业厅所属天山中东部、天山西部、阿尔泰山等林区及乌鲁木齐的一些木材生产单位,已按国家牌价出售木材,各种形式乱涨价歪风被刹住了。 By midnight on
The solution reactions of the metal salts with 2,2′-bipyridine (2,2′-bipy) and ethyl tetrazole-5-carboxylate (Hetzc) afforded two new tetrazole-based complexe
三十年来,红外寻的头一直用在短程和中程导弹上。然而最近,人们越来越多地把它用在远程导弹、火箭和炸弹的末制导上。 For three decades, infrared seeks have been used o
85.101 核心燃料组件用的激光切割装置——A.P.walch,A.B.Caruolo,美国专利,No.4,317,021,1982年2月23日公布。切割细长核心燃料组件的外屏板用的激光切割机包括两个部分,一