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企业工资总额同经济效益挂钩,是把工资与奖金捆在一起同实现的利润挂钩,而利润受许多客观因素影响,利润多的企业不一定经济效益高,利润少的也不一定没成绩,因此,工资奖金直接同利润挂钩,必然造成企业间苦乐不均,于是就互相攀比,总想把工资奖金搞上去。有的企业靠产品涨价,增加利润(发虚财)来增发工资,那就必然造成工资总额增长超过生产率的增长,造成消费需求超过总供给,有的企业甚至采用不正当手段发横财。对于这种混乱现象,如不及时制止,任其发展,后果将不堪设想。同时,这种试图把工资与奖金捆在一起,一步按劳分配的设想,主观上是想毕其功于一役,而实际上 The enterprise’s total wages are linked to economic benefits. It is linked to the profits realized by tying the wages and bonuses together, and profits are affected by many objective factors. Enterprises with more profits are not necessarily economically efficient, and those with low profits are not necessarily unsuccessful. Salary bonuses are linked directly to profits, and will inevitably cause discomfort between enterprises. Therefore, they will compete against each other and always want to make salary bonuses. Some companies rely on product prices, increase profits (to make a fortune) to increase wages, it will inevitably cause wages to grow beyond the growth of productivity, resulting in consumer demand exceeds total supply, and some companies even resorted to improper means to make windfall. For this chaotic phenomenon, if it is not stopped in time and allowed to develop, the consequences will be disastrous. At the same time, this kind of attempt to bind the wages and bonuses together, according to the assumption of a one-step distribution according to labor, is subjectively trying to accomplish the same thing, but actually
周期性麻痹是神经科常见疾病之一,现将我院自1978年—1987年共收治了成年人周期性麻痹50例分析如下: 临床资料性别:男44例占88%,女6例占12%。年龄,最小16岁,最大56岁。其中22
本文报告50例纯运动性偏瘫,经CT证实为脑梗塞35例,脑出血15例。病变部位分别在壳核,内囊,尾状核、苍白球等处。对临床表现和CT所见做了比较。 This article reports 50 case
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质量监督控制是一件复杂而又系统的工程,质量是建筑的生命和根本,是项目管理的重要目标,把握好工程建设的监督质量就是建设的目的和手段。 Quality supervision and control