Microstructure and RRA Treatment of LFEC 7075 Aluminum Alloy Extruded Bars

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongs874
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The microstructures after casting and extruding, the mechanical properties and electrical conductivity after RRA treatment of conventional DC casting and low frequency electromagnetic casting (LFEC) 7075 aluminum alloy were investigated. The results showed that finer grains which distributed more homogeneously was obtained in LFEC ingots compared with those conventional DC ingots. The extruded bars of LFEC alloy kept its fine grain features of original as-cast structure. In the RRA treatment, with the extension of second aging time, the tensile strength and hardness of alloy decreased, but the electrical conductivity increased. Meanwhile, as the second aging temperature raised, the phase change rate in precipitation also increased. Under the same conditions, extruded bars of LFEC alloy had better performance than that of conventional DC cast alloy. The optimum RRA heat treatment process was 120 ℃/24 h+180 ℃/30 min+120 ℃/24 h. The LFEC extruded bars acquired tensile strength 676.64 MPa, hardness 198.18, and electrical conductivity 35.7% IACS respectively, which were higher than that in the T6 temper, indicating that a notable RRA response takes place in LFEC extruded bars, whose second-step retrogression time was 30 min, and it was suitable for mass production. The microstructures after casting and extruding, the mechanical properties and electrical conductivity after RRA treatment of conventional DC casting and low frequency electromagnetic casting (LFEC) 7075 aluminum alloy were investigated. The results showed that finer grains which distributed more homogeneously was obtained in LFEC ingots compared with those conventional DC ingots. The extruded bars of LFEC alloy kept its fine grain features of original as-cast structure. In the RRA treatment, with the extension of second aging time, the tensile strength and hardness of alloy decreased, but the electrical conductivity increased. Meanwhile, as the second aging temperature raised, the phase change rate in precipitation also increased. Under the same conditions, extruded bars of LFEC alloy had better performance than that of conventional DC cast alloy. / 24 h + 180 ° C / 30 min + 120 ° C / 24 h. The LFEC extruded bars were hardened 676.6 tensile strength 4 MPa, hardness 198.18, and electrical conductivity 35.7% IACS respectively, which were higher than that in T6 temper, indicating that a notable RRA response takes place in LFEC extruded bars, whose second-step retrogression time was 30 min, and it was suitable for mass production.
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