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在临床工作中,我们经常可以见到一些无牙颌患者由于旧义齿不合适,要求重新制作义齿。在口腔检查时,发现有些患者因牙槽骨吸收不均匀,导致某些区域骨吸收严重而形成凹陷,或出现活动性纤维性松软牙槽嵴。这种情况多见于前牙区,为此作者对12例这类患者作了如下的调查... In clinical work, we often can see some edentulous patients because of the old dentures inappropriate, requiring the re-making dentures. In the oral examination, some patients found uneven absorption of alveolar bone, leading to serious bone resorption in some areas and the formation of depression, or active fibrous soft alveolar ridges. This situation more common in the anterior tooth area, for which the author of 12 cases of these patients made the following survey ...
真的有些难为情,我和爸爸妈妈说“唐池子”说成“唐柿子”了,让爸爸妈妈笑得像青蛙一样。有什么好笑的,你要是缺四颗门牙叫着试试,你肯定也把“唐池子”叫成“唐柿 Really e
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今年夏天,我所居住的这个城市气温达到了37℃,热得最凶那天,诊所里开着空调也抵御不了汹涌而来的热浪,小护士不停地向地上撒水,以增加一点清凉。 This summer, the temperat
舌根部囊肿是比较少见的涎腺囊肿 ,现就我院附院收治的 3 1例囊肿作一回顾性分析报道如下 :临 床 资 料1 一般资料 :本组 3 1例均来自附一附二1 973年 2月至 1 998年 2月
体育课上,老师让我们跑400米,我一听,心想,400米?两个圈?天啊!怎么办啊,我跑得完吗?轮到我了,我的心怦怦直跳,一声哨响,我向前跑去。我 In the physical education class, t
An experimental investigation is carried out to study fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics on the endwall fitted with arrays ( 7×7 ) of short rectangul
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