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随着我国经济的逐步发展,社会的逐步提高,越来越多的群众重视对新一代人才的教育改革之上。因此,更多的高校为了响应国家的号召,积极通过校企合作这一教学模式,来进行更好更快地发展。不过,对于目前的中国来说,校企合作还存在很多的问题与缺陷,例如:一些高校与企业合作,只是为了一个形式,并不能真正为学生提供帮助;一些高校更加注重教授知识,而大大忽视实践的重要性,从而将很少的资金与精力投入到校企合作教学模式当中等。本篇论文主要从环境设计艺术专业的实训基地出发,详细了解一下现如今我国校企合作教学模式的逐步完善与改善,以达到脱形重质的目的。为了确保科学性与准确性,本文笔者分别从校企合作的内涵、校企合作脱形重质的意义两方面入手,具体阐释了针对于目前中国国情来讲,校企合作教学模式的重要性与改善急迫感。 With the gradual development of our economy and the gradual improvement of the society, more and more people attach importance to the education reform of a new generation of talents. Therefore, in order to respond to the call of the state, more colleges and universities actively develop better and faster through the teaching mode of school-enterprise cooperation. However, for the present China, there are still many problems and flaws in the cooperation between schools and enterprises. For example, some universities and enterprises cooperate only in one form and can not really help the students. Some colleges and universities place more emphasis on teaching knowledge and greatly Ignoring the importance of practice, which will be little money and energy into school-enterprise cooperation mode of teaching medium. This dissertation mainly starts from the practical training base of environment design art to learn more about the gradual improvement and improvement of the current cooperative teaching mode between school and enterprise in our country so as to achieve the purpose of removing the heavy weight. In order to ensure the scientific and accurate, the author of this article respectively from two aspects of the connotation of the school-enterprise cooperation and the significance of the school-enterprise cooperation in descending, specifically explains the importance of the mode of teaching cooperation between schools and enterprises in view of the current situation in China And to improve urgency.
1 基本情况 东周水库位于山东省新泰市境内,柴汶河支流渭水河上,是汶河上游主要拦蓄工程之一。水库控制流域面积189km~2,总库容8000万m~3。流域内山峦起伏,山高坡陡,洪水汇
X、Y、Z导联心电图即X、Y、Z导联轴上心电的“数量”图,系直交导联体系的心电向量环在X、Y、Z导联轴上的投影。 X、Y、z三个导联轴互相垂直相交,故又称直交心电图(orthogona
目的 讨论亲体肝移植对供体抑郁、焦虑状况的影响及分析,为改善肝移植供体病人生活质量提供理论依据.方法 用抑郁自评量表(SDS),和焦虑自测量表(SAS)对我院在2011年1月-2015