ねじの塑性域缔付けに及ばす SUNG TORQUE の影响

来源 :机械技术史及机械设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:neverneverland
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Recent research into the tightening in the plastic region has brought to light the characteristics of this method and shown that it is both practical and effective.In this report,the tightening in the plastic region was carried out on screw of M10 by systematically changed snug torque to find out what effect the snug torque setting has on the tightening in the plastic region of screw.The main results of these tests are shown below.(1)When carrying out the tightening in the plastic region using the torque gradient control method,it is necessary to the select a suitable snug torque.In these experiments a range of 10~60% was used.(2)Stable tightening is possible within a snug torque range in which a stop point can be clearly detected.(3)The torque coefficient in the tightening in the plastic region is slightly lower and more stable than in elastic region tightening. Recent research into the tightening in the plastic region has brought to light the characteristics of this method and shown that it is both practical and effective. This report, the tightening in the plastic region was carried out on screw of M10 by systematically changed snug torque to find out what effect the snug torque setting has on the tightening in the plastic region of screw. The main results of these tests are shown below. (1) When carrying out the tightening in the plastic region using the torque gradient control method, it is necessary to the select a suitable snug torque. In these experiments a range of 10 ~ 60% was used. (2) Stable tightening is possible within a snug torque range in which a stop point can be clearly detected. (3) The torque coefficient in the tightening in the plastic region is slightly lower and more stable than in elastic region tightening.
6月 7日 俄罗斯政府审议 2 0 0 2年预算和 2 0 0 4年预算基本数据。 2 0 0 2年国内生产总值在石油价格每桶 2 2美元的条件下为 1 0 .2 7万亿卢布 ,通货膨胀率为 1 2 % -1 3%
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