【摘 要】
经过一学期的学习,期末考试行将来临,怎样使自己能有一个较好的学习效果,特别是能使自己的学习能在考试中有一个好的体现,这便是期末复习的任务了,下面,仅就期末复习有关注意的事项和着重加以掌握的某些问题,做些说明: 一、全面复习,牢牢掌握“三个基本” 律师、公证与调解业务这门课程,可以说它由三大部分组成,即:律师实务,公证业务与调解制度。这三大部分本无多大关联,只是因为某种原因才罗列为一门课开出,而这三部分各有其体系及理
After a semester of study, the final exam will come, how to make myself have a better learning effect, especially to make their own learning can have a good examination in the exam, this is the end of the review task, the following , We should only make some explanations on the matters for attention at the end of the review period and on some issues that we should grasp. First, we must review and firmly grasp the course of “three basic” lawyers, notary and mediation businesses. We can say that it consists of three Most of the components, namely: lawyer practice, notary business and mediation system. The three major parts of this not much relevance, but for some reason was listed as a course out, and these three parts each have their own system and theory
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被告人王锡光,男,24岁,贵州省遵义市人,系遵义市长征乡农民。 被告人冷忠建,男,27岁,贵州省遵义市人,系遵义市长征乡农民。 1987年7月6日晚,被告人王锡光伙同被告人冷忠建,翻
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<正> 李荣芳(无子女)丧夫后,其公婆宗兆恩夫妇于1953年对座落于济南市馆驿街的27间房屋进行分家析产。分析的结果,宗兆恩夫妇留住5间,李荣芳分得12间(后来她生病时出卖5间),叔伯兄弟宗海、宗泉各分得3间,姑妹宗宝珍、宗宝珠各分得2间。此后,除宗海(妻杨汝贞、子宗永年)独立生活外,李一直与公婆、叔弟(宗泉)、姑妹(宗宝珍、宗宝珠)共同生活。1965年,李荣芳先于宗兆恩夫妇死亡(宗兆恩夫妇分别于1970年、1973年去逝),无法定继承人,遗有房屋7间。李生前生病时的医药费、丧葬费等,系从出
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