
来源 :中国防痨 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanderooy
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1950年以来上海市每年都有10万以上15岁以下的儿童为接种卡介苗进行了结核菌素试验。试验方法系采用曼它氏法,用1:1000倍稀释的旧结核菌素皮内注射0.1毫升,48—72小时后显直径5亳米以上的浸润反应者,即为结核菌素阳性反应。本文系就每年结核菌素试验的结果来看7年来上海市儿童结核病自然感染率。上海市儿童结核病自然感染率与国内其他大城市如北京、南京等并无显著的区别。感染率与性别无关,但随年龄的增大而急剧上升。4—12个月的感染率在5%左右,1—4岁之感染率在20%左右,5—9岁在50%左右,10—14岁在70%左有,15岁以上在85%左右。7年来各年龄组的感染率还看不出有显著的改善。 Since 1950, more than 100,000 children under the age of 15 have been tested for tuberculin in vaccinated BCG annually in Shanghai. Test method is the use of Mann’s method, with 1: 1000 dilution of the old tuberculin injection intradermal 0.1 ml, 48-72 hours after the diameter of more than 5 mm infiltration of those who react, that is, tuberculin positive reaction. This article is based on the results of the annual tuberculin test to see the natural infection rate of children with tuberculosis in Shanghai in seven years. Natural infection rate of children with tuberculosis in Shanghai and other major cities such as Beijing, Nanjing and no significant difference. Infection rate has nothing to do with gender, but rose sharply with age. The infection rate in 4-12 months is about 5%, the infection rate in 1-4 years old is about 20%, the incidence in 5-9 years is about 50%, the incidence is 70% in 10-14 years, 85% about. There was also no significant improvement in the infection rates in all age groups over the past seven years.
刺激性气体是引起急性中毒性肺水肿的主要原因,但由乙炔气割产生的刺激性气体引起的肺水肿尚属少见,我院曾于1983年1月收治一例,现报导如下: 病例患者于××,男性,28岁,机修
经济实力 家庭在社会上的经济地位,决定了个人投资方式的选择。日常节余较少的低收入家庭,宜采用存款方式;日常节余较多的中等收入家庭应以定期存款和债券为主,适当投资股票
一、前言: 流行性乙型脑炎为每年夏秋季间所流行的一种急性传染病,本病最早流行于日本,以后在朝鲜、菲律宾、印度支那、瓜哇、苏联远东濱海省地区和我国台湾以及大陸均有本