Distribution Characteristics and Sources of Sedimentary Organic Matter in the Pearl River Estuary an

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sharp_z
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Geochemical descriptors (carbon, nitrogen contents, and their isotopes) of sedimentary organic matter (OM) were investigated in the Pearl River estuary (PRE) and adjacent coastal waters. The comprehensive geochemical data of surface and deep sediments were provided, and the sources of sedimentary OM were discussed in this area mainly impacted by human activities. Surface (1-10 cm) and deep (190-200 cm) sedimentary total organic carbon (TOC) were 1.2% and 0.6%, and total nitrogen (TN) contents were 0.09% and 0.05%, with δ13C of -24.3‰ and -24.5‰, on the average, respectively. Higher TOC and TN contents combining with relatively negative δ13C values in surface sediments suggested the increasing OM inputs from rivers in recent years. Terrestrial organic carbon (OC) contents were 0.70% and 0.36%, and marine OC contents were 0.50% and 0.28% on the average, respectively, in surface and deep sediment. Surface terrestrial and marine OC were lower in river outfalls due to the high current energy, and deep terrestrial and marine OC showed the increasing trend away from the coast. Lower δ15N was mainly attributed to the influence of river sewage discharge in this study. Geochemical descriptors (carbon, nitrogen contents, and their isotopes) of sedimentary organic matter (OM) were investigated in the Pearl River estuary (PRE) and adjacent coastal waters. The comprehensive geochemical data of surface and deep sediments were provided, and the sources of sedimentary total organic carbon (TOC) were 1.2% and 0.6%, and total nitrogen (TN) contents were sedimentary OM were discussed in this area mainly impacted by human activities. Surface (1-10 cm) and deep 0.09% and 0.05%, with δ13C of -24.3% o and -24.5% o, on the average, respectively. Higher TOC and TN contents combining with relatively negative δ13C values ​​in surface sediments suggested the increasing OM inputs from rivers in recent years. carbon (OC) contents were 0.70% and 0.36%, and marine OC contents were 0.50% and 0.28% on the average, respectively, in surface and deep sediment. Surface terrestrial and marine OC were lower in river outfalls due to the high current energy, and deep terrestrial and marine OC showed the increasing trend away from the coast. Lower δ15N was mainly attributed to the influence of river sewage discharge in this study.
清代的巴延三曾是军机处的一名小职员,因为没有什么背景,加上才华与能力很一般,又不会巴结上司、讨好同事,所以在军机处混了好几年,也没能弄得一官半职。  一天晚上,本来不是巴延三值夜班,同事见他好欺负,就让他替值。这天深夜,乾隆皇帝突发奇想,计划攻打准噶尔,他急匆匆地来到军机处,发现里面的灯还亮着,在昏黄的灯光下,乾隆皇帝看到一个瘦弱的书生正在奋笔疾书,这个人就是巴延三。  乾隆皇帝大为感动,认为巴延
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