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1、由于各类谷物中维生素B的损失程度与蒸煮时间成正比,因此,用开水煮饭比较适宜。这样既可缩短煮饭的时间,又能减少营养成份的损失。 2、蒸鱼或蒸肉时,如果以开水下锅,熟后的味道既鲜美又有光泽。若炖鱼,则应用冷水下锅,这样不仅能免除鱼腥味,而且炖出来的鱼鲜美可口,不过,应一次放足水量,若中途加水,容易冲淡原汁的鲜味。 3、用鲜肉烧汤时,应等到汤烧开后再下内;若用腌 1, due to the degree of loss of vitamin B in various cereals is proportional to the cooking time, therefore, it is more appropriate to cook with boiling water. This will not only shorten the cooking time, but also reduce the loss of nutrients. 2, steamed fish or steamed meat, if boiled water, cooked flavor is both tasty and shiny. If the fish stew, then the application of cold water pot, so not only to avoid the fishy smell, and the stewed fish delicious, but should put a sufficient amount of water, if halfway add water, easy to dilute the flavor of raw juice. 3, with fresh meat soup, it should be until after the soup boil; if the use of pickled
我是一名离休的大学科技工作者,平时在家喜欢搞点小改小革。看了《家庭科技》,我觉得很好,很实用。我想把自己的几则小窍门也介绍给《家庭科技》的读者朋友。 (一)延长灯泡
早年到农村落户,给我印 象最深的是割禾。收割时节,田里一片热闹:大人割禾,小孩拾稻穗;还有一群群 麻鸭大摇大摆地到田里捕 食。鸭因此长得又 快又肥,我 这才明 Early year
新春佳节,亲朋好友聚济一堂。作为享有“美食家”称誉的我,先向各位拜个年,然后奉上几道丰盛实惠、风格迥异的春节家宴菜谱,请君不妨一试。 一、一品乌龙 特点:咸鲜味醇,质
ACCORDING to history books, Beijing was the capital of the state of Yan 3,000 years ago, which is how it got the name of Yandu (du means capital in Chinese). B
轰书厂午叩牙少‘又地夕70,姗40的浏布八(不确乃5饰喻外,助布已(大抓乃5哪扁饰0田刚币弓丈不琉;嗯与饰叨伟毋/〔丫厂只子一了转t)3_闷小小储物袋 Bangzhu afternoon noon kn
闲下来没事,对着镜子仔细端祥自己,发现鱼尾纹已爬满了眼角,青春犹如过客,不打招呼就悄悄地走了,这时才猛然明白,自己已过不惑之年,真是“时光只解催人老,不信多情”呀! 说
巴西首都巴西利亚有一个具有神奇能力的女婴叫玛丽亚,她能以哭声治人疾病,至今已有千余人被她治愈。 玛丽亚出生于1986年1月上旬。在教堂接受洗礼时,她突然“哇”的一声哭将
在我生命的最后时刻,我毕竟做出了卓越的表演,我对自己的演技表示满意。野村夫妇在东京闹市区开了一间“野村理发店”,好不容易积下26 万日元。这天一早,野村刚开门,进来一位
JINYANG Restaurant, located on Zhushikou Xidajie, is the only restaurant serving Shanxi-style dishes and snacks in Beijing, and has been doing so for the past