Quantificational Study on Carrying Capacity of the Regional Environment-Taking the City of Dalian as

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With the analysis of the connotation and charter of the regional environment’s carrying capacity, this paper,firstly, establishes the index system on the base of the affecting factors. Secondly, this paper discusses the methods of thequantization of the environment’s carrying capacity of Dalian. Finally, this paper predicts the changing tendency of theenvironment’s carrying capacity. With the analysis of the connotation and charter of the regional environment’s carrying capacity, this paper, first, establish the index system on the base of the affecting factors. Secondly, this paper discusses the methods of thequantization of the environment’s carrying capacity of Dalian. Finally , this paper predicts the changing tendency of the environment’s carrying capacity.
注空气项目在W Hackberry油田的西斜坡高压油藏和北斜坡低压油藏进行了试验 ,并且在低压油藏上最先见到增油效果。经过评价 ,认为低压油藏注空气在经济上可行。为了减少投资
利用额肌以悬吊法矫正上睑下垂,常用的方法是方形缝线术。我们设计了一种更为简单的方式——三角形缝线悬吊法。1年内进行21例23眼,效果满意。报告如下: 手术方法: 1.麻醉:2
AIM:To investigate the pathogenic mechanism ofHirschsprung’s disease(HD)at the molecular level and toelucidate the relationship between RET oncogene andChines
白内障术后致前房内棉花纤维异物较少见,我院遇见1例,在显微镜下将其取出,报告如下: 王×,女,10岁.住院号245108。左眼被玉米秆扎伤7月余,视力渐减退,1988年1月16日以左眼外
婴幼儿秋季腹泻大多 (70 % )是由病毒或产毒细菌 (ETFC)引起的 ,且大多数表现为水样便。笔者于2 0 0 0年 9月至 2 0 0 1年 12月试用思密达治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻 ,疗效显著。现报告