The short-time effects of chemotherapy with combinations of hydroxycamptothecine and oxaliplatin in

来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shunniu
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Objective: Although 5-fluarouracil-based chemotherapy has become a standard regimen for treatment of ad- vanced colorectal cancer, the efficacy, as second line therapy, is not high. It is necessary to find a new regimen as a substitute for these patients. The study was to evaluate the short-time effects and toxicity of combination of HCPT plus L-OHP regimen in treatment of advanced colorectal cancer. Methods: Forty-seven patients with pathological evidence of advanced colorectal cancer were enrolled and were treated with HCPT plus L-OHP regimen for 86 cycles. All patients were treated with L-OHP 130 mg/m2 day 1 and HCPT 6 mg/m2 day 1–4, the chemotherapy was repeated every 3 weeks as a cycle. The Short-time efficats and side effects were evaluated after 2 cycles for each patient. Results: 38 cases can be evaluated to short-time effects and achieved the overall response rate (CR+PR) was 36.8%. KPS improved in 20 cases (52.6%). In the total 86 cycles, the leuco- penia occurred in 59 cycles (68.6%),18 cycles (30.5%) in grade III and IV and the diarrhea occurred in 48 cycles (55.8%), 18 cycles (37.5%) in grade III and IV. Conclusion: A satisfied response rate was obtained in advanced colorectal cancer patients treated by HCPT plus L-OHP regimen, especially who were the failure of first-line chemotherapy with 5-FU. The limited-dose toxicity was leucopenia and diarrhea. It’s necessary to find a new regimen as a substitute for these patients. The study was to evaluate the short-time effects and toxicity of combination of HCPT plus L-OHP regimen in treatment of advanced colorectal cancer. Methods: Forty-seven patients with pathological evidence of advanced colorectal cancer were enrolled and were treated with HCPT plus L -OHP regimen for 86 cycles. All patients were treated with L-OHP 130 mg / m2 day 1 and HCPT 6 mg / m2 day 1-4, the chemotherapy was repeated every 3 weeks as a cycle. The Short-time efficats and side Results: 38 cases can be evaluated as short-time effects and achieved the overall response rate (CR + PR) was 36.8%. KPS improved in 20 cases (52.6%). In total 86 cycles, the leuco- penia occurred in 59 cyc les (68.6%), 18 cycles (30.5%) in grade III and IV and the diarrhea occurred in 48 cycles (55.8%), 18 cycles (37.5%) in grade III and IV. Conclusion: A satisfied response rate was obtained in advanced colorectal cancer patients treated by HCPT plus L-OHP regimen, especially who were the failure of first-line chemotherapy with 5-FU. The limited-dose toxicity was leukemia and diarrhea.
陈四阿婆家的母鸡生了一窝蛋。  我和阿瑞各分到两枚蛋。黄澄澄、光溜溜的鸡蛋,握在手里有一种难以言喻的满足感。轻轻一晃,仿佛能感觉到其间流动的半透明胶状液体。在我急于把鸡蛋蒸熟以便果腹之时,阿瑞将我拦下。  阿瑞冲我神秘一笑,问道:“阿悦,想不想吃不带壳的鸡蛋?”  闻言,我问道:“不带壳?你有办法?!”  阿瑞顿时得意洋洋:“自然!我不仅能让鸡蛋变成‘软蛋’,还能把鸡蛋变成方的!”  对方形鸡蛋的
《黄金》杂志是黄金行业惟一的综合性科技期刊。现已深深扎根于国内外黄金行业 ,并广泛深入冶金、地质矿产、有色金属、核工业、化工、中国科学院有关部门和金融及金、银珠宝
由于许多细胞培养物、胎中血清和病毒毒种中已显示有瘟病毒污染,因此,作者应用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)对抗牛和猪疾病的活疫苗中的外源性瘟病毒RNA或瘟病毒进行了检测。 D
人生就是一场旅行,我们是一个个旅人。一路上,我们会遇见各种各样的风景、形形色色的旅伴。每个人的旅行都不一样,但每个人走过的路又是那么的相似。  少年不惧岁月长  那时的你,是自在如风的少年。你眼眸清澈透亮,尚未沾染这尘世的一粒尘埃。你会因为一根棒棒糖兴奋不已,也会因为阳台上一盆植物的枯死而默默流泪。你说世界上最幸福的事是吃妈妈做的拿手菜,最痛苦的事是忘记带作业被老师“狠批”。那时的天总是很蓝,日子