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为了通过对花生抗线虫鉴定方法的比较,确定更加快速有效的抗性鉴定技术,作者于2002~2003年在佐治亚大学的Tifton试验站进行了温室盆栽试验。结果表明:侵然期幼虫(2000~4000条/株)与虫卵(8000~16000粒/株)均可以用于花生抗线性鉴定的温室接种,但与使用虫卵接种相比,以侵染期幼虫作为接种体需要多花3~5d的时间收集幼虫;接种后14d,可以依据0~5级的虫瘿分级标准将供试的4份花生种质区分开来;接种后6~10周依据卵块数量或每克根中的虫卵数可以进一步确认花生的抗性水平。虫瘿级数、虫瘿数量、卵块数量及每克根中的卵量之间存在着极显著(P<0.01)的正相关关系。根据研究结果提出了温室中花生抗线虫鉴定的程序方法:以8000粒卵/株为适宜接种量,接种后14d依据0~5级的虫瘿分级标准进行初筛,对初筛入选的材料再在接种后6周根据卵块数量或卵量验证其抗性。 In order to identify a more rapid and effective resistance identification technique by comparing the identification methods of peanut resistance to nematode, the author conducted a greenhouse pot experiment at the University of Georgia Tifton Station from 2002 to 2003. The results showed that both the larvae (2000-4000 per plant) and the eggs (8000-16000 grains per plant) could be used for inoculation of peanuts in the greenhouse with linear identification. However, compared with the inoculation, The larvae as inoculum took 3-5 days to collect the larvae. After 14 days of inoculation, the peanut germplasm could be distinguished according to the grading standards of 0-5. After 6 to 10 weeks of inoculation The peanut resistance level can be further confirmed by the number of egg masses or the number of eggs per gram of root. There was a significant (P <0.01) positive correlation between the number of galls, the number of galls, the number of eggs and the number of eggs per gram. According to the results of the study, the method of identification of peanut in nematode in greenhouse was put forward. The optimal inoculum size was 8000 eggs per plant, and the initial inoculation was conducted 14 days after inoculation according to the grading standards of 0 ~ 5. Six weeks after inoculation, the resistance was verified based on the number of eggs or the number of eggs.
我公司原φ3 m×11 m水泥粉磨系统(见图1)采用PPW96-2×6型气箱脉冲收尘器,改造前参数见表1.自2002年投入使用以来存在着运行阻力大、排放超标、过滤风速高等问题,严重影响了