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三联书店出的一本书《上学记》(何兆武口述)里提到英国浪漫主义诗人济慈自设的墓志铭(第163页),这个铭文在该书的后记里面也同时提到,但所引原文有误:Here lies the man whose name was writ on water.它正确的形式是:Here lies one whose name was writ in water.这使人想起这句也已成格言隽语的名句的汉语翻译。笔者掌握了如下三种译文,暂且编号为A、B和C。A:这里躺着一个人,他的名字写在水上。 The third bookstore, Book of History (He Zhaowu), refers to the epitaph of Keats, the poet of the English Romantic poet (page 163), which is also mentioned in the book’s memoirs, Here lies the man whose name was writ on water. The correct form is: Here lies one of the name was writ in water. This is reminiscent of the Chinese translation of a famous sentence that has also become a rhetoric. The author mastered the following three translations, for the time being numbered A, B and C. A: There is a man lying here, his name is written on the water.