
来源 :长春理工大学学报(高教版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:felixjun
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本文章介绍了喀什传统的与维吾尔女性相关的习俗礼仪,从这种习俗礼仪中可以看出女性的社会地位和这种礼仪的内容密切相关,但是喀什维吾尔族传统家庭教育对女性的教育内容中并没有使女性在礼仪中有更好的待遇,这种家庭教育没有使女性在家庭中的地位提高。喀什传统家庭对女性的教育观念对维吾尔女性受正规教育的制约会造成一系列的社会问题,这应该引起相关部门的重视,并且首先要从转变喀什维吾尔传统家庭教育观念和喀什有关维吾尔女性礼仪和女性社会地位之间的密切关系入手。从而也应该重视喀什女性的就业状况。 This essay introduces the traditional Kashgar custom etiquette related to Uyghur women. It can be seen from this custom etiquette that the social status of women is closely related to the contents of this etiquette. However, the Uygur traditional family education in Kashi Did not make women better treated in etiquette, which did not increase the status of women in the family. Kashgar traditional concepts of women’s education on Uyghur women’s formal education constraints cause a series of social problems, which should arouse the attention of relevant departments, and first of all from the Kashgar Uyghur traditional family education concept and Kashgar about Uighur women’s etiquette and Women’s social status of the close relationship between the start. Therefore, the employment status of Kashgar women should also be valued.
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