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通江是川陕革命根据地首府,被毛主席喻为“第二大苏区”。党中央、国务院和省委、省政府高度重视加快革命老区发展,在政策、项目和资金上给予了通江特别关怀,为通江经济社会快速发展提供了强劲动力。受区位、自然、历史等多种因素制约,通江至今仍是秦巴山区集中连片特困地区的核心区,至今仍有29.8万贫困人口,有8万多贫困群众散居在高寒边远地区,农民人均纯收入仅相当于全国、全省平均水平的63%、71.8%,群众的行路难、致富难、发展难等问题仍较突出。 Tongjiang is the capital of the revolutionary base in Sichuan and Shaanxi, Chairman Mao as “the second largest Soviet area.” The CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government attach great importance to accelerating the development of the old revolutionary base areas, giving Tongjiang special care in policies, projects and funds, and providing a strong impetus to the rapid economic and social development in Tongjiang. Due to various factors such as location, nature and history, Tongjiang is still the core area of ​​the contiguous and impoverished areas in the Qinling and Palestinian Mountains. There are still 298,000 impoverished people and more than 80,000 poor people are scattered in the remote areas of the alpine region. Farmers The per capita net income is only equivalent to that of the whole country, with an average of 63% and 71.8% of the province’s total population. The problems of difficult road for the masses, difficulties in getting rich, and difficulties in development are still outstanding.
抢先看  《鲁滨逊漂流记》是英国作家丹尼尔·笛福的一部长篇小说。书中的主人公鲁滨逊·克鲁索一生志在遨游四海。在一次去非洲航海的途中,他遇到风暴,只身漂流到一个无人的荒岛上。好在,他凭着顽强的意志和不懈的努力,在荒岛上生存下来,成为当时人们心目中的英雄人物。  盼望已久的十一假期终于到来了。这一天,三个好朋友相约到乔乔木家阅读《鲁滨逊漂流记》。这是老师布置的名著阅读中的一本。读完了书,三个人非常激动
如果我们将交响乐团中的所有乐器比作一个大家族,弦乐器无疑是这个家族中最为人们熟知的“家庭”之一。这个家庭由四兄弟组成,按“个头”排队,从小到大分别是小提琴、中提琴、大提琴以及低音提琴。有趣的是,个头越大,他们的音域就越低。所以,我们也可以通过“嗓门”的高低来区分他们。  在这个弦乐家庭中,大家最熟悉的肯定是小提琴和大提琴:标志性的音色、经典的曲目,还有一连串演奏大师的名字......这些都让两兄弟
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