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民族文化认同是中华民族历经几千年发展、战胜无数艰难险阻、形成多民族的统一国家的精神纽带。19世纪70年代至20世纪初年,近代历史文化认同又有了时代内涵极其深刻的提升。此即早期维新派大力倡导的历史变革观和堆新志士掀起的近代思想启蒙潮流。王韬、郑观应等人对于世界潮流有深切的观察,同时反映了国内出现一批近代工业的发展需要,他们纷纷介绍“西政”、“西法”。要求中国实行变革。康有为发挥、改造传统的公羊三世进化观,并与西方建立民主共和国家的思想相结合。锻造了堆新变法的理论纲领,对抗陈腐僵化的封建思想体系,要求中国走上资本主义道路,产生了动员民众特别是爱国知识分子的巨大力量。谭嗣同、黄遵宪、严复批判封建专制,倡导进化学说;梁启超更大力输入西方民权思想和其他进步社会学说。在广泛的领域内从事近代思想启蒙,宣传了一整套在当时是先进的资产阶级意识形态,由此点燃起进步青年救国和革命的热情:对近代历史文化认同和社会进程产生了意义重大的推动作用。 National cultural identity is the spiritual link of the Chinese nation after thousands of years of development, victory over countless difficulties and dangers and the formation of a multi-ethnic unified nation. From the 1970s to the early 1900s, the recognition of modern history and culture has brought about an extremely profound enhancement of the times. This is the view of historical change strongly advocated by the early reformers and the enlightenment trend of modern thought initiated by the heap of new ideals. Wang Tao and Zheng Guanying, among others, have made deep observations on the world trend and at the same time reflected the need for the development of a number of modern industries in the country. They all introduced “Western governance” and “Western laws.” Ask China to implement change. Kang Youwei plays a role in transforming the traditional Ramsar III evolution concept and integrating it with the idea of ​​establishing a democratic republic in the West. Forging a theoretical program of the new heap of reforms and fighting against the stereotyped feudal ideology requires that China embark on the path of capitalism and has created tremendous power to mobilize the people, especially patriotic intellectuals. Tan Sitong, Huang Zunxian and Yan Fu criticized the feudal autocracy and advocated the theory of evolution. Liang Qichao devoted more efforts to importing western civil rights and other progressive social theories. He engaged in modern ideological enlightenment in a wide range of fields and propagated a whole set of bourgeois ideologies that were advanced at that time, thus igniting the enthusiasm of the youth to save the country and revolution: a significant impetus to the recognition of modern history and culture and social progress effect.
领导阶层与其用言语指示,不如用态度和行动宣示。哈洛德·吉尼恩国际电话电信公司前董事长兼执行长 It is better for the leadership to use their attitudes and actions
第四节轴向柱塞油泵和轴向柱塞油马达 一、特点轴向柱塞油泵—油马达的结构特点是柱塞运动方向与油泵—油马达轴的方向基本一致,即柱塞系沿轴向排列的。 Section IV Axial Pi