
来源 :北方交通大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwwlucky2
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本文介绍了结合铁路新线勘测、旧线改建,以南方山区大瑶山长隧道、北方平原区新(乡)荷(泽)线黄河桥位、西北青藏线唐古拉高原冻土、青(海)新(疆)线盐渍土分布区等作为实验点段,用美国陆地卫星MSS的CCT磁带,在IPOS—101数字图象处理系统上进行的遥感数字图象处理的方法及应用效果。数字图象处理能够把遥感获得的庞大繁杂的电磁波信息,进行快速严密的数字处理,能够使被干扰和歪曲的图象得到恢复。通过各种增强处理,可使模糊的图象变得清晰,使色调单一的黑白图象变为鲜艳夺目的彩色图象,可以压缩和减弱那些不利于判释的干扰信息,突出强调波谱信息和判释目标。在某种情况下,经过图象分类处理,还能迅速准确的进行自动识别,获得各种专业图件和统计数据。实验结果表明,结合铁路工程地质勘测应用,数字图象处理在目前阶段宜以图象增强为主。 This paper introduces the new railway line survey and reconstruction of the old railway line, taking the Longyao Mountain Tunnel in the southern mountainous area, the Yellow River bridge of the new (township) Heze (Ze) line in the northern plain area, the permafrost of the Tanggula Plateau in Qinghai- Xinjiang (Xinjiang) saline soil distribution area as the experimental point, with the United States Landsat MSS CCT tape in the IPOS-101 digital image processing system for remote sensing digital image processing methods and application results. Digital image processing can quickly and digitally process huge and complicated electromagnetic wave information obtained from remote sensing, and can recover disturbed and distorted images. Through various enhancement processes, the blurred image can be sharpened, the black and white image with a single color tone can be turned into a vivid color image, the interference information that is unfavorable to the judgment can be compressed and reduced, the spectrum information can be emphasized and Judge the target. In some cases, after image classification, but also quickly and accurately for automatic identification, access to a variety of professional maps and statistics. The experimental results show that, with the application of railway engineering geological survey, digital image processing should be mainly image enhancement in the current stage.
介绍了程控新业务的功能和基本原理。并通过案例分析讨论了几种常见主叫号码显示不正常故障的检测与维修方法。 Introduced the function and basic principle of program-c
止疼药、止咳药、胃药……很多常用药都有它们不为人知的秘密,医生看病时可能来不及嘱咐你。最近,台湾《康健》杂志撰文指出,如果常用药不谨慎吃,不仅延误病情,还 Painkille