将我带入戏剧情境的,是观众席上一阵又一阵的热烈掌声。 我留意到,掌声响起的时候,是观众们看到农村新面貌、农民新风貌的时候,掌声表达着欣慰。作为一部取材于真人真事的剧作,它所展示出来的,是处于现在进行时态中的我国农村生活,是处于社会转型期的当代农民形象,是他们不同于以往的生活状态和精神状态。 改革开放给农民生活带来了巨大变化。呈现在人们面前的,已不再是过去我们在作品中常见的那些面呈菜色,唯唯诺诺,穿着大襟棉袄,裹着大裤腰棉裤的传统农民形象,而是一个个精神饱满,体格健壮,由体恤衫、皮夹克、西装、革履、领带等城市流行服饰包装起来的现代农民;他们所从事的,已不再是世代相传的“面朝黄土背朝天”的农耕劳作,而是“建大棚,
What brought me into the drama scene was a warm applause from behind the auditorium. I noticed that when the applause sounded, the audience applauded with applause when they saw the new look of the countryside and the peasant new look. As a drama based on the real story, what it shows is the rural life of our country in the ongoing tense, the image of contemporary peasants in the period of social transformation, the difference between them and the past life and spirit status. The reform and opening up brought great changes to the peasants’ life. Present in front of people, is no longer in the past we have seen in the works of those dishes were dishes, only non-traditional, wearing a plaid jacket, wrapped in trousers, traditional trousers waist trousers image, but one full of energy, robust, from T-shirts, leather jackets, suits, leather shoes, ties and other urban fashion packaging modern peasants; they are engaged in, is no longer from generation to generation “loess back to heaven” farming work, but "to build greenhouses,