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麦类作物种子的系列加工是高产高效益的保障宋鹏宏,赵宝坤,孙新林,丁诗英,李秀民,郭明浩(黑龙江省二九一农场)为了全面提高种子的播种品质,我场于1989年开始筹建种子加工厂,到同年11月,一期工程─—烘干部分建成,于1990年8月完成二期工程─—加工部... The series processing of wheat crop seeds is the guarantee of high yield and high benefit Song Penghong, Zhao Baokun, Sun Xinlin, Ding Shiying, Li Xiumin, Guo Minghao (Heilongjiang Province 291 Farm) In order to comprehensively improve the sowing quality of seeds, Factory, to the same year in November, a project ─ ─ drying part was completed in August 1990 to complete the second phase ─ ─ processing department ...
The Asian citrus psyllid,Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera:Liviidae),is an important insect pest of citrus.It is the vector of ‘Candidatus’ Liberibacter as
辣椒疫病(Phytophthora capsici Leonian)是由鞭毛菌亚门卵菌纲霜霉目辣椒疫霉菌引起的一种真菌性土传病害。病原菌生理小种多样化。该病在辣椒种植区发生普遍,发病迅速,给辣
Carboxylesterases are enzymes widely distributed within living organisms.In insects,they have been mainly involved in dietary metabolism and detoxification func