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90年代的广大消费者,再也不满足以往进商场仅仅是为了购物的单纯需求,他们开始对商场的环境美化提出更高的要求。诸如希望商场提供憩息之地,建议商场摆设花卉草木,渴望商场增添文化氛围……如此看来,商场环境美化对顾客心理的影响作用之大。顾客逛商场,不仅仅要和营业员进行有声的直接交际,更重要的是在双方之间还要进行一种无声的间接交流。这就是通过商场美化,来向顾客进行心理服务,以满足顾客对商场多功能、全方位较高要求。因此,无论大小商场,都可根据顾客这一心理 The vast majority of consumers in the 1990s no longer satisfied the simple demand that they entered the mall only for shopping. They began to place higher demands on the mall’s landscaping. For example, hope that the mall provides a place for choking, it is recommended that the mall be decorated with flowers and plants, eager to increase the cultural atmosphere of the mall ... so it seems that the mall’s landscaping has a great impact on the customer’s psychology. Customers visiting the mall should not only have direct and direct communication with the salesperson, but more importantly, there should be a silent and indirect exchange between the two parties. This is through the beautification of shopping malls to provide customers with psychological services to meet the customer’s multi-functional, all-round higher requirements. Therefore, regardless of the size of the mall, according to the customer’s psychological
1 工程概况建筑名称:西北五交化商品配送中心暖通设计建设地点:兰州天水路与一只船北街交叉口西南角设计单位:甘肃省商业设计研究院开工时间:1998年10月;竣工时间:2000年5月建筑面
下雪啦,下雪啦!  小树光秃秃,  地上白茫茫;  小朋友乐呵呵,  妈妈笑哈哈。  冬天是一幅画!
在高科技行业中,要想害一个人,就让他创造市场新标准重要的不是英特尔深谙此道而是有胆识将自己的新标准告知天下——包括竞争对手 In the high-tech industry, to think ab
塑造企业形象的 CIS导入中国为何“道路阻且长” 现代社会,企业问竞争日趋激烈。如何在对手如林的激烈竞争中脱颖而出,稳操胜券,赢得社会公众的认同、理解和支持,处于不败之
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